The moment you trust them with what you care about most, they'll have you.

Mr. Bennet

I hear you alright, now you here me! I am done taking your crap. From now on I will work how and when I feel like it. I will take breaks when I want to, and you will not say a damn word to me ever again! Do you understand? We square on that?

Mr. Bennet

You're evil, Ma.


That's easy for you to say. You're not wading into the shark-infested water of 11th grade.


You have to be entirely unextraordinary."

Mr. Bennet

Nathan: Do you have any idea who I am?
Mr. Bennet: Better than even you do.

Matt: What are you, FBI? Huh? What, are you CIA?
Mr. Bennet: I'm not part of any organization that has initials.
Matt: Listen to me. Whoever you think I am, believe me, I'm not him. I'm not... I'm not anyone.
Mr. Bennet: Well, that's not true, you're someone. Someone very special.

Mr. Bennet: I don't mean this to be condescending - even though you're gonna say I'm being condescending - but I really do believe this is an adult decision.
Claire: Yeah, you're right. That is condescending.

Claire: Dad.. Mind if I talk to you about something?
Mr. Bennet: You pregnant?
Claire: What! no..
Mr. Bennet: Doing drugs?
Claire: Dad!

Claire: Cheerleading is hard work, hard treacherous work.
Mr. Bennet: Of course it is, sweetheart.

Mr. Bennet: Suresh, huh?
Mohinder: I'm sorry?
Mr. Bennet: Your name on your license there. That's Indian, yes? There was a Professor Suresh at the University of Madras. Geneticist. Interesting theories. Don't think he's teaching anymore. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? Probably lots of Sureshes where you're from. Like Smith. Or Anderson.

People are fragile. Like teacups.

Mr. Bennet

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys