My power is understanding people like you. That's what I do.

Maybe you have to figure out who you were, to be figure out who you wanna be.

Claire: Mr. Bennet, what do you think your greatest strength as a salesman is?
HRG: Well, if they don't agree with me, I can always just shoot them.

Angela: Nathan says you're avoiding his phone calls.
HRG: By Nathan, you mean Sylar, right?

HRG: Claire is safe. You know how this works: the less you know, the better.

This job is about understanding their humanity, not their ability.

Nathan: I thought you'd enjoy the extra time with your family.
HRG: There are only so many crossword puzzles I can do.

HRG: Do you have any idea what happens if they think I can't control you any more?
Claire: That's the thing, Dad. You can't.

HRG: Your mom and Lyle are safer this way.
Claire: You've been telling me that since I was 15.

What would your Hunter do if he knew you were one of them?

HRG [to Nathan]

We're not missionaries. If they'd wanted us to bring him in, that would've been the assignment. It wasn't.

I wouldn't send anyone to Level 5 that doesn't belong there.

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys