I thought I'd be Chief of Surgery someday.

I'm short so my punches land low.

This place is a sinking ship.

Ben: Do you love me?
Bailey: More than I can hold in my heart.

That is a giant scrotum.

I can not get used to having them in the attending's lounge.

All I keep thinking is that we are going to crash on a tropical island and get attacked by a polar bear.

They call you Medusa.

Don't give me some nonsense about how absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Will you marry me?


When he doesn't get his way he hides it in his cheeks like a squirrel.

This is a once in a lifetime parasite!

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.