These kinds of things don't happen to nice people.

I've got high heels in the back of my car.

You're going to waste your talent looking at one predictable organ all the time?

Is it a crime to focus when I'm in the workplace?

There is beauty in the basics.

The fact that I know things about your personal life is one of the great sadnesses in mine.

You want me to move in to save on your electric bill??

Owen: You're not his doctor. Webber is.
Bailey: I hear he's good. I don't know, he's new around here.

Bailey: He was my favorite, George O'Malley.
Meredith: I know, he was the good one.

I will not have another O'Malley lost under this roof.

Bailey: What is that?
Meredith: My mother's journal.
Bailey: I know what it is, why do you have it?
Meredith: Because it's my mother's journal!

Judge: Applicants Grey and Shepherd...
Derek: That'd be us.
Judge: I need to see some ID. OK, this seems to be in order, I'll jump right in. We are here today to participate in a marital union...
Bailey: To celebrate love and happiness and loyalty, and in my opinion, a little bit of magic.
Judge: In the form and regulations of the state of Washington,
Bailey: To bring together two exceptional and beautiful human beings
Judge: Since it is your intention to enter into marriage, join hands, and repeat after me. I, Derek Shepherd...
Derek: I, Derek Shepherd
Arizona: I take you, Calliope Torres to be my wife.
Meredith: For better or for worse in good times and in bad
Callie: I choose you to be the one whom I spend my life
Arizona: I love you.
Callie: I love you.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.