It's her song. So, get off the stage and let her sing it.

Bailey: I saw you do it in the OR, Dr. Badass.
Jo: Oh my, God! You have a problem.

Webber: I think I'm too late.
Bailey: No such thing.

I am going to walk in there and tell the truth. I deserve it and if any one of them has the misguided impression that there is any choice at all in this matter, I will set that person on the righteous path before he or she can reveal him or herself as a moron.

It’s just Webber picked me.

Wanna grab anything else on the way out, CT machine?

I saved his life.

Cristina: Did it work?
Bailey: Damn right it did.
Cristina: Up top!

  • Permalink: Up top!
  • Added:

Ben: How old do you think I am?
Stephanie: 49.
Bailey: You forgot your lunch

Your son is the devil's spawn. He drinks the milk of a liver thief.

I'm not going anywhere. Me and this baby got Bailey stuff to discuss, don't we, Mr. Derek Bailey Shepherd? Yes, we do.

Did you just place a warm cup of pee next to me?

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.