I am a sci-fi loving African-American woman in her 40’s with a stubborn husband, a beautiful son, and no pets because they smell like feet. And I have a big job, where I do big, lifesaving, miracle-working things - where I lead others so that they can do their big, lifesaving, miracle-working thing. And, yes, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. I am not ashamed of that. But it’s not my story. It’s just one piece. And if you continue to look at just that one piece, if you check the mental illness box and refuse to look at anything else, then I’m not gonna live long enough to finish the rest of my story

Miranda Voiceover: It’s not about whether you spend your life in a boardroom, your bedroom, or on a beach with a Mai Tai in Maui. When you look back on your life, the only thing that matters is: Did you spend it doing what you love? With the people you love? Were you happy? Did you make the most of this beautiful, terrifying, messed-up life? Did you let go of all the things that held you back? So you can hold on to what matters most?

Miranda: I made a decision about what is best for the hospital moving forward, and I didn't want my personal feelings, my very strong personal feelings to get in the way of that decision. If I do that, I won't be able to do this job.
Richard: Bailey, we reach into people's bodies and hold their lives and their futures in our hands. There's nothing more personal than this job, in how we treat a patient, in how we raise our doctors and teach them how to do this work. Every decision that you make should be a personal one. If it isn't, then you have no business being chief.

Because medicine is changing, constantly. You're the person who taught me that, and we... everyone here needs to be able to change along with it or get left behind.

When I tell you to know your place, know your damn place.

Richard: I am not crying wolf
Bailey: Sir?
Richard: I do not make decisions lightly. And I don't bow to dictators. Miranda Bailey, you will be Grey Sloan Memorial's next chief of surgery. Congratulations.
Bailey: Thank you?

I like this Kepner. I never thought I would like Kepner. You know, old Kepner -- there was pigtails, bunny rabbits, and smiling. Lots of smiling. But Kepner the reboot, Kepner 2.0, she's crazy. She's fierce. She's womaned up. Thank you, United States Army.

Bailey: What's in your mouth?
Intern: A brie tart. With proscuitto.
Bailey: Brie? Brie? Um, there are patients who had chunks of cement fall on them during their morning commute, but please. Have some brie.

Bailey: You and Derek went down in a plane, you drowned, he got shot, you gave birth in a power outage...
Meredith: Is this supposed to make me feel better?
Bailey: I'm just saying, you have every reason to be distracted. Every reason to think the sky is falling.

Bailey: Grey, look I had to try.
Meredith: For your patient, I know, but now that's dozens of transplant patients that you just screwed out of a chance.

Don't apologize for caring about your [Jo] patients. A lot of doctors aren't willing to go all in. It hurts too much. But that's what's going to make you such an excellent doctor.

Bailey: I held him in my hands. He's not even born and I held him in my hands.
Arizona: I know that feeling. It's privilege. Great privilege.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.