[to Cyrus] Don't patronize me like I'm some hysterical teenage girl at the beginning of my cycle.

[to Cyrus] It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. You may not sleep as well at night, but you will be fine. Numb, but numb and fine are the same.

Cyrus: You're worried about James cheating on me? That's...oddly sweet.
Mellie: Once you open that door, Cyrus, you cannot close it again. It changes you. Changes everything.
Cyrus: My husband's not your husband, Mellie.

Mellie: I'd say this is a new low.
Cyrus: Not for me.

You don't have to love me, but we are in this hell together and the flames are burning both of us with equal intensity, baby, so the least you can do is be my friend. Just a little bit. The least you could do is show up. Show up for me. Show up for me, Fitz. Instead of being like some...stranger.

Mellie: I just don't understand why I have to apologize for his affair.
Cyrus: Because that's how it works.

You and I, we've always wanted the same man, Liv. For him to be the man we know he can be. And after what we did, we owe him this. The chance to run on his own steam and win.

He needs you, Olivia. He is tired and broken and it isn't the job. It's doing the job without you. He's not alive when you're not here. He can't breathe when you're not here. He doesn't have the will to run much less win when you're not here because you, you're everything to him, Liv. He needs you, so I need you to come back. Come back to us.

Give any piece of trailer trash a push-up bra and a microphone and those stupid flyovers will eat it up like fried Twinkies.

I am spectacular, but I can't compete with religious fervor, but no, I was not praying that she'd be blown up today. I am not miserable. I'm celebrating. Because Olivia Pope still walks this Earth. She's still alive. And as long as she's still alive, well, she's your flaw. Your Achilles heel. Which makes her my weapon. She's the strings that if need be I will pull to make my puppet husband dance. So cheers, baby. Drink up. I live to fight another day.

If your whore had died today brave and strong, protecting a Congressman inside the Capitol with a nation watching, honey, the nails, the wood, the cross you would build and hammer her on, the worship you would feel for the rest of your days down on your knees praying to Saint Olivia Pope. That would be...I'd lose. Our little war. I'd lose.

Fitz: Olivia Pope being blown to bits? That's your dream isn't it?
Mellie: Oh, no. That's my nightmare.

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
