Cyrus: They want to impeach a man for having an affair?
Mellie: They want to impeach a man for having an affair that everyone just shrugs about because a man having an affair is a daily occurrence. They want to impeach a man because all we ever hear is how women are controlled by their hormones but what is more hormonal than a man who can't keep it in his damn pants? They want to impeach a man because he broke his vows and disturbed the office of the Presidency and distracted the country with his libido and the only person who gets raked over the coals is the woman he screwed. That's why.
Cyrus: That's...he's a man.

Do you like to decorate, Olivia? Come winter time do you find little snowflake ornaments and golden pinecones just adorable? I hope you do because those 111 Christmas trees don't just design themselves.

Oh look. It's the girl who can't shut her legs or her mouth.

[to Fitz] You placed Olivia in a dangerous position. You outed her. You thought by throwing me out of the White House and moving her in you'd be making this grand gesture. Finally she wouldn't be just a mistress anymore. But the minute she stepped foot through these doors, the minute she moved in here, she became what we all become when we live here and what is that? Yes, a statue. Inhuman. Discussed from every angle, viewed, exposed. She's not just a mistress now. She's America's mistress.

Mellie: I know without a doubt that you and I together, a team, is what's best. For us. For the country. For our beautiful children. And I'm so glad you see it too.
Fitz: I'm divorcing you.

Mellie: A story broke about a young naval officer who had been raped and now the only thing people want to ask me about is whether or not my husband is going to intervene on her behalf. Can I assume because we're not monsters that the answer is yes? Fitz?
Fitz: I can't intervene. It would send the wrong message.
Mellie: It would tell the world that we don't condone rape.

[to Lizzie] We are not partners. We are not friends. You work for me. You fix for me. You don't accuse me. You do not judge me. You most certainly do not lecture me. You are not me. You wish you were me but you can't be me. Remind yourself of that. Do you understand?

Mellie: I'm running for Senator of Virginia.
Abby: Well, that's...history making. Good for you. Good for Virginia, ma'am.
Cyrus: You think so, Red?

[to Andrew] You've always been the other guy and the whats-his-name. The also-ran. Good, fine, but never great. We both know the reason they call it a race, the reason there is a winner, is because someone wins. And it is never you.

America can forgive a man a hundred infidelities, but they will never forgive a woman even one. I will be ruined. Finished. Done.

Fitz: The CIA's confident they'll have her home within 24 hours.
Mellie: Whew. We sleep better when she's lying between us.

Mellie: The irony is he chose you because he thought you would be loyal.
Andrew: Probably the same reason he chose you.

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
