Fitz: In 24 hours I'm going to kill Olivia Pope.
Mellie: What?
Fitz: Andrew has her, somewhere. I don't know where. But if I don't send troops to West Angola, she'll be killed. It's a coup. Your boyfriend has orchestrated a bonafide American coup. And what kind of President would I be, what kind of monument, if I indulged in this war, if I sent thousands of people to their deaths to save the life of one person, no matter whot hat person is to me. I can't do that. Right? Our son died so I could stay in office, so I can't dishonor him now by giving in, negotiating with terrorists, even if it means Liv dies. I can't do it, right?
Mellie: I thought you loved her. Don't tell me we've been through all this for a cheap screw.
Fitz: I love her.
Mellie: Then you know what you have to do.

When a woman is President, they'll suddenly make First Lady an official paid position. The minute a man has to do it, it'll become a real job! I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I'm just so bored.

Want me to have the chef send you up some fried chicken?

Mellie: It's not the same. My child, your husband. It's not the same.
Cyrus: I keep hearing that. The loss of a child is greater. I resent that, never having lost a child. I resent having to feel like losing the love of my life, the only someone who ever made me feel like I was truly me, is less of a loss, is smaller than your loss. I am now broken. I'm not me. I'm forever changed. I'm undone. A broken heart is a broken heart. To take a measure is cruelty.

Let's face it, baby. This is all about you. This is the Fitzgerald Grant show starring Fitzgerald Grant. And you just want me to play my part as the costar, the dutiful wife, who smiles and acts proud of you and doesn't eat chicken or wear sweatpants or hang out on graves.

I kept my distance from him because I was terrified of what he Turns out he was yours the whole time. But he was always mine, or he should have been. But I was afraid, and now he's gone.

Fitz: I've been a bad boy.
Olivia: Don't be cute. You're putting yourself and everyone else in this auditorium at risk.
Fitz: The Secret Service went over every inch of this building with a fine-tooth comb.
Olivia: I'm trying to save your life.
Mellie: If we're going to die can we do it now so I don't have to listen to you two?

I have kept this secret for 15 years. I have lost my life for 15 years. I have lived this lie for 15 years and all the while I have watched him walk away from me. I have been destroyed while I have made him President. It is my turn! He suffers. He hurts. He burns. I'm tired of carrying the cross. Let him pick it up now.

I want his head in the fire and I want to see him burn. I want to hand him the one piece of news that will destroy him and I want to watch his face when it happens.

Fitz: Somebody out there wants me dead.
Mellie: [laughs] He thinks it's just out there.

Mellie: I came up with a list of men. Eligible bachelors. Prominent, smart. Pick one.
Olivia: Pick one?
Mellie: Any one of them, it's an equal opportunity list. Tall, short, black, white, Republican, Democrat. I don't care who, just pick one and start dating him. Publicly. So the everyone can stop thinking that you're screwing my husband. Smile, Olivia. The world is watching.

Olivia: Why are you doing this?
Mellie: Because I like it when my husband is the President. I worked very hard for it. I've done a great deal to get us here, and you are going to get him across the finish line. But you can't do that if people know what kind of person you really are. Cheers!

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
