Frank: A tit for tat response would just be like a slap on the wrist in return for a punch in the face. What are we going to do, call them names?
Jamie: But this shock and awe, Dad, it seems like one step forward, two steps back in community relations and I’ve got mixed feelings about that.

It just seemed like we used a sledgehammer to bang down a couple nails.

Jamie: The police run away with their tails between their legs it doesn’t look bad, it is bad.
Eddie: I can see that but in the moment it felt like the right thing to do.

Eddie: Don’t do that.
Jamie: Do what?
Eddie: Armchair quarterback yourself. You did the right thing.

Jamie: I don’t know how you ever thought you could avoid me meeting your mother.
Eddie: Oh, I was doing a great job avoiding until today.

Jamie: Shawn’s trying to be a problem so that Jack will decide to stick around and keep his kid brother in line.
Danny: And you know this how, Mr. Freud?
Jamie: Because I did the same thing when you left for the Marines.
Danny: Well, what happened? You get a B-minus on your test?
Jamie: A-minus. It was a dark time.

Eddie: Do you have any idea how many times I’ve walked home at night, alone, a couple of drinks in me? How many times I’ve thought maybe this is it? Tonight’s the night I become the victim.
Jamie: So you make yourself a victim?
Eddie: The answer is no, you don’t know.
Jamie: I don’t see why you should hang yourself out there like a piece of bait for some creep.
Eddie: Of course you don’t, because you’ve never been afraid to walk home alone at night. You have no idea what that feels like.
Jamie: I’m not saying I do.
Eddie: Well then, respectfully, back off.

Jamie: Our vows.
Eddie: Yeah, I don’t want them to just mean something on our wedding day. I want them to mean something today and tomorrow and every day after that.
Jamie: I will always have your back. If you fall behind I will wait up.
Eddie: I will earn your respect and pay you respect every day we have.
Jamie: I’ll be your scout, your night watchman, your cavalry.
Eddie: Your medic, your chaplain in our army of two.
Jamie: No retreat, no surrender. You can count on me.
Eddie: You can count on me.

  • Permalink: Our vows.
  • Added:

I’m Sergeant Reagan. I’m the new boss. If you pay me respect, you’ll get it back with interest. If you give me grief, you won’t know what hit you. Any questions?

Eddie: You think your Dad had a hand in it, busting your chops a little?
Jamie: Nah, I think it was just the luck of the draw.
Eddie: Some luck.

Eddie: Your Dad clearly has a problem with us riding together.
Jamie: You can’t just cave every time you don’t agree with somebody in my family.
Eddie: And you can’t ignore it like this is going to go away. Do you really want to hide the fact that we’re engaged from the department and fight with your Dad just to ride together?
Jamie: I thought that’s what we both wanted.
Eddie: I just want you.

Eddie: I will always have your back.
Jamie: If you fall behind, I'll wait up.
Eddie: I'll earn your respect and pay you respect every day we have.
Jamie: I'll be your scout, your night watchman, your calvary.
Eddie: Your medic, your chaplain in our army of two.
Jamie: No retreat. No surrender.
Eddie: No retreat. No surrender.
Jamie: You can count on me.
Eddie: And you can count on me.

Blue Bloods Quotes

Jamie: Saw my first dead body last night. Of course Danny had to be the one to show it to me.
Erin: If you were twelve he would have made you kiss it.

If Mom were still alive she'd tell you that was beyond your skill set.
