Frank: Officer Janko.
Jamie: Just Eddie today, Dad.
Eddie: Actually not just Eddie today.
Jamie: Well, since this morning, the future Mrs. Jamison Reagan.

Jamie: That was some shot. You saved my life
Eddie: Jamie, it was like I heard a voice, I swear to God.
Jamie: That's called a radio.
Eddie: No, serious, like I knew. I knew you were in trouble before you even were. Like I was warned. Jamie.
Jamie: I'll spend the five million on you.

Eddie: A million for savings, a million for charities.
Jamie: What charity?
Eddie: Charities. Cancer research, the food bank, those beagles they do make-up experiments on, I'm saving all of them.

Eddie: I'm just saying it's kind of boring.
Jamie: Baseball is boring. Seriously?
Eddie: Yeah, the games are like nine hours long. Nothing actually happens.
Jamie: Baseball is a metaphor for life.
Eddie: Yeah, and I'm not going to spend my lunch watching a bunch of grown men in pajamas…

Jamie: You know what me and 99% of other cops are not that you are?
Tariq: Yeah, stuck.
Jamie: No, indispensable. Before you chuck it, at least put some value on it.
Tariq: Now you're sounding like a boss. and I don’t mean that as a compliment.

If you aren't failing, you aren't trying, and if you aren't trying, you aren't really living.

Sean: Can't we just be like a normal family and you guys just ask us about school or something?
Jack: Or talk about the good things that happened this week?
Danny: It's tradition.
Jamie: Because there's almost nothing to learn from success. Failure, on the other hand, is the best teacher you'll ever have.

Shawn: Is there any chance we could just, you know, eat?
Jack: Yeah, this food is delicious…
Jamie: Not going to happen.

Eddie: Apparently I talk about you too much and it made him feel inferior, I guess.
Jamie: Well, I see how I could make other guys feel inferior.

Eddie: I know you, and I know you can come up with something.
Jamie: I'm not some kind of criminal justice magical genie.

Look, I already have a fantasy football team, okay. It's called the Jets and every year I fantasize they're not going to suck.

Eddie: Did you see the look on her face? She fell in love the second she saw that baby, it was instantaneous. I just thought, some day I want to experience what that feels like.
Jamie: Me too.

Blue Bloods Quotes

Ah, another day of crime fighting. We should get capes.


Eddie: Do you ever think about what we might be missing out on?
Jamie: Yup. Do you ever think what we might be giving up?
Eddie: Yup.