Frank: Tragedy doesn't have a minimum age, sad to say.
Jamie: It's like the modern plague.
Danny: It's worse. The plague is a sickness that you catch. You don't say, 'Hey, let's go out and score some plague tonight.' Kids are doing this to themselves.
Jamie: And you can't just go, just say no.
Frank: Yeah, but sometimes the simplest answer is the best one, and the right one, not just the catch phrase, but the point, the education.

Jamie: No matter the cause, a politician is a politician.
Eddie: You can't deny that he's helping people.
Jamie: I can't deny that's the soap he's selling.

Jamie: You take a shot at the king, you better not miss.
Frank: My aim is true.
Erin: He's got the heavy artillery.
Henry: You can't fire him but he can fire you.

Jamie: How is it you can make even my being a good cop into a bad thing?
Danny: I didn't say it was a bad thing.
Jamie: You'll be happy to know they switched us up for punking another pair of partners.
Frank: I'll be happy to know?
Jamie: Well no, not you.
Frank: You just forgot who was at the table.

Jamie: Sarge switched us up. Now he's got me riding with an IAB snitch.
Danny: Well, that's a real waste of IA manpower, don't you think?
Jamie: What's that supposed to mean?
Danny: Well, their snitch is riding around with, you know, Dudley Do-Right.

Jamie: We're supposed to just call it in.
Officer Potemkin: If we find him then no harm, no foul.
Jamie: Oh, I get it. We don't have to go by the book when it's your skin on the line, huh?

Danny: The confession's the easy part. The part I can't figure out is why that always try to run.
Jamie: It's that ugly mug of yours.

Danny: You know, all I heard during the Ranger game was, 'Why won't you help your younger brother, Danny?'
Jamie: Well, she wouldn't interrupt a Ranger's game without a good reason.

Jamie: I'm excited every single shift. How many people can say that?
Frank: A lucky few.

Jamie: We've been riding together for three years and I'm just finding out about this now.
Eddie: Because I knew you'd freak out.
Jamie: There are some things that just aren't right, Eddie, and this is one of them.
Eddie: My grandparents lived in Philly and we used to go to the games.
Jamie: Seriously, the Flyers! You're not even allowed to mention that name in my father’s house.
Eddie: Don't you think you're overreacting a little bit?
Jamie: No.

Jamie: And he likes you because?
Eddie: Because who wouldn't?

I'm not in sixth grade and neither are you; but you're putting your life and the life of your partner in danger taking your eye off the ball like that.

Blue Bloods Quotes

Ah, another day of crime fighting. We should get capes.


Eddie: Do you ever think about what we might be missing out on?
Jamie: Yup. Do you ever think what we might be giving up?
Eddie: Yup.