I don't remember all the crazy stuff you told me. But I believe it.

Henry: She did it. You really don't believe.
Emma: There's nothing to believe.

Henry: You married Captain Hook right here.
Emma: Captain Hook? Who officiated it? Tinkerbell?
Henry: No. Jiminey Cricket.

[to Henry] I ended up in this nuthouse because I believed you back then.

Killian: You did it, Swan. You got your happy ending.
Emma: That's not what this is. It's something else.
Killian: What, then?
Emma: A happy beginning.

You were with me my whole life.

Just because you learn that you come from true love doesn't mean you believe that you'll ever find it. But thanks to you, now I have.

Henry, I wasn't even brave enough to keep you.

Emma: You could have just told me that.
Rumple: Well the Saviors have the luxury of always doing the right thing. I do not.

Killian: And that's how you wake up Blue? With dead baby dragon?
Emma: That's dark, even for the Dark One.
Rumple: Do you have a better idea, Miss Swan?

Emma: So...elopement?
Killian: Aye. I'll bring the rum.

Killian: Swan, I know that you face an uncertain future. But there's one thing I want you to be certain of. I will always, always be by your side. So. Emma Swan, what do you say? Will you marry me?
Emma: Yes.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
