Killian: Alternate reality? What happened to you? What happened to me?
Emma: We're all going to be fine. We're going to switch to water.
Killian: Water? For drinking?

Emma: I just wanted to say something, you know, when we're not in the middle of a big battle or when one of us is facing death. When things are just normal.
Killian: What's that Swan?
Emma: I love you.

Emma: What are you doing? We need a plan.
Regina: I have one. I still have a fist. Gold, still has a nose.

Emma: My parents, Hook, and your sister were pulled through some kind of portal.
Regina: Again?

I guess my armor's been on for such a long time that sometimes I forget that I don't need it with you.

Emma: I never listen.
Killian: You're impossible.
Emma: And you love me for it.

Are you referring to the mythological bird or the muscle car?

Henry: The minute things got tough, you didn't come to anybody. You decided that you would figure it out on your own. We were a team.
Emma: Operation Cobra. I remember.
Henry: But now, you just want your dark magic back so you can do it alone.

Emma: What are they now?
Hook: A reminder that all sins can be forgiven when someone loves you and I was absolutely wrong before. I love you Emma Swann, no matter what you've done.

I'm not nothing! I was never nothing. The power you have I don't need.

The Dark One is immortal. Emma isn't. Bring her home to me.


Belle: Wait, what happens if he can't pull the sword from the stone?
Emma: Then you'll be sweeping his remains from the floor. You were his maid once.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
