Emma: How do you do it, Dad? You and Mom have been separated by the curse for weeks and you still found a way to work together.
David: Well, even though I can't be with her, I know she's fighting for me just as hard as I am for her. Emma, I know Hook is out there doing the same for you.

Emma: She hasn't threatened anyone else.
Rumple: That's because she's in another realm. Only able to break free long enough to steal other children before it pulls her back in. But. If she should break free for good--
Emma: Then I can handle it. I handled you and broke your curse. The one you gave to Regina that started this whole mess.
Rumple: Well that's just the thing, Miss. Swan. The curse. That Dark Curse. It, and all of the darkness you've ever faced, was born out of one twisted soul. The Black Fairy. And unless we try and stop her, she is going to bring far worse.

Rumple: If you want answers, I suggest you start by asking nicely.
Emma: I'm done with nice. Your son has a death wish. Which, if he messes with me one more time, I'm happy to fulfill.
Snow: And I'm happy to help. We've been looking for some mother-daughter bonding.

I'm sorry, but your son cannot be saved. He's evil.

Let's get my pirate back.

Regina: I know you're hurting. But you can't just run from this.
Emma: I didn't run. Hook ran.

Killian: I already destroyed my own family once. And that was hard enough. But knowing that I destroyed yours, too. I just---I didn't know how I could live with that.
Emma: You come to me, Hook. And you lean on me. And you trust me. We have to stop hiding things from each other. The man I fell in love with would know that. He would know that we get through things together.
Killian: Emma--
Emma: That is what I agreed to marry. That is what I thought we were together. Until you're ready for that [she takes off the engagement ring]...then we can talk.

Killian: Emma Swan, will you marry me?
Emma: Yes, Killian. Yes.

Regina: I'm afraid to tempt fate.
Emma: I know. We make our own fate. I did it. And now it's your turn.

Swan. My name is Emma Swan.

Killian: Alternate reality? What happened to you? What happened to me?
Emma: We're all going to be fine. We're going to switch to water.
Killian: Water? For drinking?

Emma: Hook, please. We really don't want to hurt you.
Pinocchio: I'm sorry. Do you know him?
Emma: A version of him. In the other world, we sort of live together.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
