Baez: You like him?
Danny: I love him! He’s good. He’s got great rhymes, he’s got swag.
Baez: I meant do you like him for the murder.

Erin: You know how many times you and Jamie have come to me for search warrants or subpoena and you haven’t had everything to get it?
Danny: About as many times as you’ve said no.

Baez: I think someone else should find Delgado. It’s way too personal between you and him.
Danny: I’m not gonna go off the rails if that’s what you’re thinking, okay. I promise.
Baez: You already did. Do you really want to put us in the crosshairs?
Danny: Look, I’m going to get that son of a bitch, no matter what it takes. If you don’t want to be a part of that then I suggest you walk away on this one.
Baez: You really want me to walk away?

Jamie: Shawn’s trying to be a problem so that Jack will decide to stick around and keep his kid brother in line.
Danny: And you know this how, Mr. Freud?
Jamie: Because I did the same thing when you left for the Marines.
Danny: Well, what happened? You get a B-minus on your test?
Jamie: A-minus. It was a dark time.

Danny: Knowing my old man, he doesn’t want to waste the additional manpower on his own safety. Right?
Gormley: Right, so don’t go blabbing about this over Sunday dinner.

You know if there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last year, closure’s overrated.

I'm putting on a real brave face out here but between me and you, I'm having a really hard time, babe. I miss you.

It's not like I lack for partners. Baez is a god send, the boys are growing into the role. My family, they've always got my back. They're Reagans, it's how we're raised. I keep trying to remind myself I'm rich with partners but you're the only one that really matters.

Danny: Amir's friend ID'd the shooter.
Erin: Yeah, but DeSilva was already in the back seat of the squad car when he was identified as the shooter.
Danny: So what?
Erin: So identifying him while he's in the backseat of a police car already handcuffed is suggestive. There's no way I can get a conviction.

You get locked up and your ass goes to prison, don't expect a visit from the family.

Jimmy: Last time I saw you, you dropped me off at a mob joint to catch a beat down.
Danny: That's because they were going to kill you for busting a champagne bottle over a made guy's head. I bargained for you life.
Jimmy: And you could get in trouble if I talked.
Danny: What? What you say?
Jimmy: Not that I'd do that Danny. I wouldn't do that.

The one thing I've learned is that life is beautiful, and it's sad but sometimes it's just practical. Money counts.

Blue Bloods Quotes

Ah, another day of crime fighting. We should get capes.


Eddie: Do you ever think about what we might be missing out on?
Jamie: Yup. Do you ever think what we might be giving up?
Eddie: Yup.