Somehow, where the job used to seem noble, as a single parent now, it just kind of seems selfish.

You do realize I used to be in a two income household, now it's only one, and I used to have a partner and now I'm the only parent. I've gotta still raise these two boys.

Anthony: You think I'm looking for happy endings in a sleazy massage parlor for kicks while I'm on duty?
Danny: That's not what I was saying. I mean, obviously it wasn't a happy ending, look how the hell it turned out for you.

Nicky: So, given no choice, would you put the welfare of your family above the law?
Frank: Yes, I would.
Danny: Thank you.
Frank: But when the dust settled I would walk down to the local precinct and turn my self in because nobody's above the law, and without the law, nobody is safe.

I probably don't say it enough but you're one hell of a cop and you're one hell of a partner. I really, really need you to wake up. I really can't afford to lose you too.

Danny: Cause when I see a bunch of look-a-like, dress-a-like, dirt bags carrying pipes and bats and sticks and such, I see a gang.
Kyle: We're a force for good.
Danny: No, you're everything you claim to hate only you're too stupid to see it.

What he said about stepping up. It just sounds like it could be a quote from any one of my family members at any one Sunday dinner.

Danny: It's weird, but I still feel like I'm married, you know?
Faith: I did too, for a long time.
Danny: When does it stop, feeling like you're married?
Faith: When you decide it's okay to start living again.

Danny: You were right. I've been all screwed up in the head lately and it's put me on the back foot, and I should have told you but I didn't, so I'm sorry.
Baez: Do you want to talk about it?
Danny: I'm pretty sure I just did talk about it.
Baez: I guess a few drops of blood from a stone is progress.

Danny: What's happening to us?
Erin: Turns out we may have flaws.
Danny: Speak for yourself.

Since Linda's been gone I'm just having a hard time separating personal from the job.

Danny: Finding myself making breakfasts and lunches and talking about emotions are things I never really had to do as a father.
David: I can't picture you in an apron.
Danny: I can't cook a TV dinner, but in many ways it's been the best opportunity of my life. An opportunity that I might not have taken, probably wouldn't have stepped up for if not…

Blue Bloods Quotes

Ah, another day of crime fighting. We should get capes.


Eddie: Do you ever think about what we might be missing out on?
Jamie: Yup. Do you ever think what we might be giving up?
Eddie: Yup.