Frank: Tragedy doesn't have a minimum age, sad to say.
Jamie: It's like the modern plague.
Danny: It's worse. The plague is a sickness that you catch. You don't say, 'Hey, let's go out and score some plague tonight.' Kids are doing this to themselves.
Jamie: And you can't just go, just say no.
Frank: Yeah, but sometimes the simplest answer is the best one, and the right one, not just the catch phrase, but the point, the education.

You ever disrespect my wife again that blade will go through your throat like a stick of butter. You got it?

Erin: Who would want to kill Jack?
Danny: It's Jack, the list of possible suspects is endless. He's been a prosecutor and a defense attorney. He deals with a lot of bad people.

If one more person gets killed because you're not telling us what you know, we're going to have a serious problem and I don't mean a Russian, America problem, I mean a me and you personal problem.

Levin: He want to know if you sleep with your partner.
Danny: That's funny. Do you sleep with your partner?

Mr. December from the KGB pin up calendar. Putin taught him that smile personally.

Do you believe that cheap suit? I swear he must have gone to the same law school as my sister, Ball Buster University.

Jamie: How is it you can make even my being a good cop into a bad thing?
Danny: I didn't say it was a bad thing.
Jamie: You'll be happy to know they switched us up for punking another pair of partners.
Frank: I'll be happy to know?
Jamie: Well no, not you.
Frank: You just forgot who was at the table.

Henry: So who died?
Danny: A 33-year-old woman with a four-year-old kid.
Erin: A 40-year-old dermatologist from the upper West Side.
Frank: And a 16-year-old in East New York.
Henry: I didn't mean it literally.
Frank: You just forgot who was at the table.

Linda: What will you do when you retire?
Frank: Besides just being a burden to my children?
Danny: I thought that was a hobby.
Erin: Not that you're not good at it.
Frank: Thank you very much. One thing I know for sure, on Sundays, I'll be right here and I hope all of you will be too.

Russ: What she's asking me to do is nuts.
Danny: Okay, but is it nuts and the right thing, or just nuts.

Danny: The confession's the easy part. The part I can't figure out is why that always try to run.
Jamie: It's that ugly mug of yours.

Blue Bloods Quotes

Ah, another day of crime fighting. We should get capes.


Eddie: Do you ever think about what we might be missing out on?
Jamie: Yup. Do you ever think what we might be giving up?
Eddie: Yup.