It's a beautiful day to save lives.

Derek: Meredith i am so sorry. Addison...what are you doing here?
Addison: You'd know if you'd bother to answer any one of my phone calls. (turns to Meredith) Hi. I'm Addison Shepherd
Meredith: Shepherd?
Addison: And you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband.

Mark Sloan never loses it in the ER. Not ever.

Addison: You told her?
Mark: She's my kid. We were bonding.
Addison: That's now how you bond with children.
Mark: I'm still getting the hang of it.

Addison: Let me say it once: Grandpa... Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa!
Mark: Okay. That was four times. Get it out of your system?

Addison: Okay. I need to be distracted. Someone talk about something other than what's going on with my brother right now.
Callie: Er, Mark is good at talking about himself.

Callie (praying in chapel): Dear God, I need your guidance. I kissed a peds surgeon.
Addison: You kissed a peds surgeon?
Callie (still praying): I never thought I'd end up with a woman, God, I mean not until lately, but that's not the problem. The problem is the ped thing. She's perky and has butterflies on her scrub cap, but she's also hot. Really hot. So, help me get over the butterflies. Amen.

(to Miranda) Okay, in L.A., people say things, but in Seattle, there's this strange culture of wordlessness, where in I am supposed to guess what one is feeling by the slight raise of an eyebrow or the beginnings of a frown. Any chance you want to tell me what's going on with you, Miranda?

Mark: There she is.
Addison: Just coming in to check on my patient's skin flap.
Mark: Well, amazing, right? I pulled a couple of stem cells from the baby in utero. Six weeks later, I have grown skin. Like God.
Addison: Nice.
Mark: What do you say we lock that door and tear one off for old time's sake?

Meredith: Hey, you're leaving already?
Addison: I have a plane to catch...I walk on the beach now, I buy aromatherapy candles, I'm very Zen, but I want to kick your ass so badly right now it is killing me.
Meredith: Excuse me?
Addison: I'm talking about Derek. Derek Christopher Shepherd. Are you letting him get away? Because I swear to God Meredith, if you let him ride off into the sunset with that doe-eyed little thing...

ADDISON: "What was that for?"
PETE: "To remind you that you’re not dried up. If you need me to remind you again... lemme know."
ADDISON: "Okay."

PETE: "What’s wrong with flirting?"
ADDISON: "What’s wrong with it? What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that I don’t have time for it. I am out of time. I missed my chance. And now I have two eggs left, I might as well have no eggs left. I am egg-less. Naomi says she’s dried up? I’m the one who's dried up. I’m all barren and dried up. And I’m clearly wasting my time on men. I mean I might as well take up a hobby. Like needlepoint or collecting those ceramic dolls because that’s what dried up women do – they do needlepoint. They don’t waste there time flirting with men who clearly just want to get laid. They don’t waste their time telling overly personal information about their eggs to total strangers. Oh my God. I'm sorry."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.