17 TV Actors Who Potrayed Their Truths on the Big Screen

Representation across TV is important, but when it comes to a character portrayed by an actor who truly deals with the same struggles, it heightens the performance.

19 Couples Whose Romance was Ruined by Death

There's nothing worse than rooting for a favorite couple only to have their love end by the cruel hand of death. Here are 19 couples whose love was cut short.

27 Most Annoying TV Characters of 2018

Not every character hit a high note during 2018. We take a look back on all the TV characters who left us annoyed and frustrated. Did yours make the list?

15 Characters Who Are Rich in More Ways Than One

Television is full of wealthy and powerful characters, but which ones are rich in every sense of the word? Here are 15 who keep us captivated!

25 Fictional Kardashian Crushers: We'd Watch These Reality Shows Right Now!

From melodramatic people to those with a wild sense of humor, many TV characters are unique enough to deserve their own reality TV show. Learn about 25 of our favorites!

37 Times Siblings Made Things More Interesting

Dealing with a sibling can be like juggling porcupines - prickly but fun. Whether they're each other's guardian angel or deadliest nemesis, it's never boring!

13 Most Heartbreaking Moments From Nashville Season 5

Nashville season 5 made us laugh, cry and scream at the TV in anger! In every episode, emotions were high and there was a high probability for tears. Grab your tissues, and re-live some of the most emotional moments here.

Quotes of the Week: Doppelbangers, Tinder Swipes & Other Witticisms!

How has the summer been treating some of the more exciting shows hitting the airwaves? Check out the latest quotes to see for yourself. Read on!

27 Marvelous Men of Summer TV

The sun is shining and there are glorious guys all over the small screen. Find out who we're looking at this summer on different shows across the dial!

16 Characters We'd Like to See in the Big Brother House

No summer is complete without Big Brother on CBS, so here are 16 characters we'd like to see as houseguests in a fantasy Big Brother season.

24 Hot Women of Summer TV

It's hot, hot, hot in the summer months and the small screen is loaded with women to make temperatures soar. We've hand-picked some for you inside!

15 Devasting TV Moments That Crushed Our Hearts

The recent television season wasn't easy on our hearts! Relationships were winning them and then they were being squashed with devasting moments. Discover them inside.

Nashville Quotes

Daphne: You wanted us to be taken more seriously, and I was just trying to-
Maddie: To look ridiculous?

Marshall: It's not a request.
Rayna: Well I don't take orders.