11 Reasons You Should Still Watch Nashville

Rayna may be gone but there are still plenty of great characters and storylines to follow on Nashville season 5. Don't believe me? Read on and let me persuade you.

15 Quotes From Nashville Season 5

Do you miss Nashville as much as me? Check out some of the best quotes from the first half of season 5 as you wait for the show to return June 1st.

15 TV Characters in Need of Some Mom Time

Sometimes you just need your mother, right? These characters are in desperate need of "mom time" to fix their attitudes and poor decisions.

17 Women Who Stand Their Ground

Many characters don't stand up for their beliefs, but in male-dominated worlds, these TV ladies stood their ground and believe in themselves.

Nashville Midseason Report Card: Grade It!

Nashville is almost back, ya'll! Check out my thoughts on the first half of season 5 before the second half premieres on June 1, 2017 at 9/8 Central on CMT.

16 Soulful Singers Who Make Us Swoon

There are a lot of sexy people on TV, but it's not all about looks. Each of these 16 characters are velvety smooth vocalists who make us melt with each note!

Quotables for the Week Ending March 10, 2017

The Vampire Diaries goes off the air for good this week. Did the quote live up to the intensity of the hour? Find out that and more in our most quotable moments of the week.

Quotables for Week Ending March 3, 2017

Are you looking for quotes from the Suits season finale or the #OneChicago Crossover? Look no further because you will find them all right here!

13 Reasons to Mourn Rayna James

Nashville fans were shocked when Rayna Jaymes died last week. Look back on her biggest accomplishments, relive her best qualities, and cherish the moments we got to share with her.

Quotables for Week Ending February 24, 2017

Four heartbreaking deaths and a murder solved surely made for some incredible quote for the week ending February 24, 2017. Look for yourself!

Quotables for Week Ending February 10, 2017

It's not even spring yet, but the riches of television have fallen upon us. Get a look at the best quotes on TV for the week and find something new to watch now!

Quotables for Week Ending February 3, 2017

When you're sitting awake trying to determine what to watch on TV, browse these quotes to give you inspiration on what to dig into next. Check 'em out!

Nashville Quotes

Daphne: You wanted us to be taken more seriously, and I was just trying to-
Maddie: To look ridiculous?

Marshall: It's not a request.
Rayna: Well I don't take orders.