9 Season Finales That Made It All Worth It

There were a string of season finales this year, but some of them stuck out more than others. We have the 9 best season finales so far this year!

21 Characters Who Are Just Jerks

Whether they're overwhelmingly arrogant or just plain stupid, a jerk for a day or a jerk all the time, check out who made our list of jerks!

21 Shows with Serious Girl Power

Some of the best TV shows are made up of all female ensemble casts, where the women kick some butt and still come together for that perfect heart-to-heart.

12 TV Romances That Really Sprung This Spring

Which couples had us swooning this season? Check out our picks for best 'ships on TV and find out! Then be sure to let us know who we missed!

13 Characters Who Said Sayonara This Spring

The spring TV season saw many of our beloved characters die or exit their respective shows, leaving us heartbroken. Check out our list of those we'll miss the most!

Quotables for the Week Ending May 26, 2016

We're reaching into our archive a little early this week, as shows are starting to take a breather. Find out what goodies we gathered for you now!

Quotables for Week Ending May 20, 2016

We have the best quotes from around the dial for the week ending May 20, 2016. A lot of shows had finales. Find out if their dialogue was up to par!

Nashville Photos from "Maybe You'll Appreciate Me Someday"

Photos from Nashville Season 4 Episode 21, the series finale. Will all of our beloved characters get closure? Will Deacon and Rayna finally work things out?

Quotables from Week Ending May 13, 2016

Does it being Friday the 13th mean the quotes are any different? The only way to find out is to scroll through the quotes of the week. Take a look!

Nashville Photos from "It's Sure Gonna Hurt"

Things are falling apart on Nashville Season 4 Episode 20. Relationships are falling apart, but where are Deacon and Rayna? Their absence can't be good.

Quotables from Week Ending May 6, 2016

Can you believe it's the first week of May already? The quotes are still rolling. We have some great ones from season finales already, so take a look!

13 TV Characters Who Have Faded Into Oblivion

These characters are criminally underused. Some have fallen prey to be a plot device for another character's story, while some have all but vanished.

Nashville Quotes

Daphne: You wanted us to be taken more seriously, and I was just trying to-
Maddie: To look ridiculous?

Marshall: It's not a request.
Rayna: Well I don't take orders.