You have found a great place to watch The Good Wife online. TV Fanatic has many options available for your viewing pleasure so watch The Good Wife online now!

The New Will
Watch The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 6
"The Next Day"
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Will and Diane stall on sending files over to Alicia and Cary when they take another Lockhart, Gardner client on The Good Wife.

Hitting the Fan, Desk
Watch The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 5
"Hitting the Fan"
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It all comes out on this episode of The Good Wife. Will confronts Alicia about her plans to leave the firm.

Diane's Stress Relief
Watch The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 4
"Outside the Bubble"
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Alicia takes steps as she prepares to leave Lockhart Gardner while Eli and Jackie clash concerning her influence over Peter's administration on The Good Wife.

Will Needs Alicia
Watch The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 3
"A Precious Commodity"
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Alicia's situation becomes even more precarious when Will and Diane end up at odds with one another on The Good Wife.

Suing the NSA
Watch The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 2
"The Bit Bucket"
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Alicia and Cary do not realize that a lawsuit against the NSA means that the spy agency has been monitoring Lockhart Gardner's communication on The Good Wife.

Keeping the Secret
Watch The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 1
"Everything is Ending"
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Alicia puts all of her efforts into preventing the execution of a convicted murderer as she secretly plans to leave and start a new firm with Cary on the season 5 premiere of The Good Wife.

The Questionable Ballot
Watch The Good Wife Season 4 Episode 22
"What's in the Box?"
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On the fourth season finale of The Good Wife, Alicia, Diane and Will scramble for emergency court proceedings when Zack believes he witnesses vote tampering on the night of the election.

Nancy Returns
Watch The Good Wife Season 4 Episode 21
"A More Perfect Union"
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Alicia takes on a case as a favor to her mother but it ends up having surprising consequences for the firm. Also, Peter asks Alicia to renew their vows on The Good Wife.

Anonymous Attention
Watch The Good Wife Season 4 Episode 20
"Rape: A Modern Perspective"
Original Air Date:

A hacker group puts the spotlight on a case where Alicia represents a girl who accuses his her classmate of rape while Kalinda has some suspicions about Robyn on The Good Wife.

Defending McSweeney
Watch The Good Wife Season 4 Episode 19
"The Wheels of Justice"
Original Air Date:

Will and Alicia are taken by surprise when a Supreme Court ruling may end up sending client Colin Sweeney to prison for life on The Good Wife.

When you watch The Good Wife online, you will get to know Alicia Florrick. We were first introduced to her as she stood meekly beside her husband Peter after a horrific political scandal when he was the state's attorney for Cook County, Illinois. Can we say hookers? Yes, yes we can. Despite being terribly wronged, Alicia decided to stay with her husband and reenter the workforce. As luck would have it, as she made her rounds of interviews to find a law firm who would accept someone who hadn't practiced in 13 years, she ran into an old college friend (and crush) who had his own firm. Alicia joined Lockhart/Gardner and became one of their top associates. When you watch The Good Wife online, you will watch the transformation of Alicia as she goes from someone new to the workforce to someone who dominates her field. Clients want her on their cases because she wins. When you watch The Good Wife online you will also discover that after so many years, it is often time to branch out to greener pastures and thus she formed her own firm. No details -- you can find out on your own when you watch The Good Wife online.

Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.