You have found a great place to watch The Good Wife online. TV Fanatic has many options available for your viewing pleasure so watch The Good Wife online now!

Running for Office - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 6 Episode 4
"Oppo Research"
Original Air Date:

Eli brings in campaign manager, Johnny Elfman to help Alicia decide whether or not to run for State's Attorney on The Good Wife.

Christian Arbitration - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 6 Episode 3
"Dear God"
Original Air Date:

A client of Alicia's ends up in Christian arbitration while Cary's pretrial service officer interviews his colleagues to determine whether or not he should be released from prison on The Good Wife.

Struggling With Change - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 6 Episode 2
"Trust Issues"
Original Air Date:

In Trust Issues, Alicia and Associates work to come up with Cary's bail money as Diane says goodbye to the firm she started.

The Good Wife Season 6 Premiere Pic
Watch The Good Wife Season 6 Episode 1
"The Line"
Original Air Date:

Will Alicia run for State Attorney? That's the big question as Season 6 opens.

Veronica and Jackie
Watch The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 22
"A Weird Year"
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Louis Canning vies for a larger role on the season finale of The Good Wife. Jackie and Veronica, meanwhile, plans Zach's graduation party.

Crossing Paths
Watch The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 21
"The One Percent"
Original Air Date:

Eli learns the truth about Peter and Alicia's relationship while Diane and Canning end up on opposite sides of a class action suit on The Good Wife.

Advice from Mom
Watch The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 20
"The Deep Web"
Original Air Date:

Alicia seeks advice from her mother when she meets an admirer while on jury duty on The Good Wife.

Visiting Colin Sweeney
Watch The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 19
"Tying the Knot"
Original Air Date:

When a body is discovered at Colin Sweeney's home, Alicia becomes a reluctant witness in the case on The Good Wife.

Alicia and Finn
Watch The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 18
"All Tapped Out"
Original Air Date:

Florrick/Agos takes on the case of an NSA whistleblower. They then learn their own firm has been monitered as well as Alicia's personal life.

Here's to Will
Watch The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 17
"A Material World"
Original Air Date:

This will be an episode of The Good Wife titled A Material World.

When you watch The Good Wife online, you will get to know Alicia Florrick. We were first introduced to her as she stood meekly beside her husband Peter after a horrific political scandal when he was the state's attorney for Cook County, Illinois. Can we say hookers? Yes, yes we can. Despite being terribly wronged, Alicia decided to stay with her husband and reenter the workforce. As luck would have it, as she made her rounds of interviews to find a law firm who would accept someone who hadn't practiced in 13 years, she ran into an old college friend (and crush) who had his own firm. Alicia joined Lockhart/Gardner and became one of their top associates. When you watch The Good Wife online, you will watch the transformation of Alicia as she goes from someone new to the workforce to someone who dominates her field. Clients want her on their cases because she wins. When you watch The Good Wife online you will also discover that after so many years, it is often time to branch out to greener pastures and thus she formed her own firm. No details -- you can find out on your own when you watch The Good Wife online.

Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.