Whip gets Owen to okay the photo of Jackie. Jackie calls her husband into the steam room and they have the sex. Brooke runs over to Taylor's place in hopes...

"January 15, 2009"

Admiring Eric's latest design, everyone agrees that it's a classic. When Donna hints to Stephanie that everyone has a job to do, Ridge c...

"August 31, 2009"

As Ridge escorts Stephanie out, she tells her son she thinks Beth needs professional help. Ridge tells Stephanie that Beth has Alzheimer's. Stunned, Stepha...

"November 3, 2009"

Bridget assures everyone she is fine. Stephanie congratulates Pam on her appearance. Whip comes up with the idea of getting Jackie M back to the beginning....

Stephanie stuns Thorne and Felicia with the news that Ridge and Brooke are breaking up. Ridge tries to convince Brooke that his "slip" d...

"January 5, 2009"

Pam chastises Donna for wearing her crocheted bikini in the surf line show. Eric is enthused as the Forrester phones ring off the hook i...

Brooke announces she will not tell Rick he cannot be with Steffy. Ridge is outraged. As he fumes, she claims that she can't do this bec...

Rick tells Steffy that Ridge will never leave his mother. She in turn suggests they reconsider their relationship. As he embraces her, ...

"February 6, 2009"

Taylor tries to convince her daughter she can't be with Rick. When Steffy won't give him up, Stephanie brings James Warwick to the house. James greets Taylor who admits her frustration with her daughter over her desire for Ric...

Brooke cries out Taylor's name. Ridge explains that he had sex with her one time, one night. When he mentions that he "wasn't himself" ...

The Bold and the Beautiful Quotes

Stephanie: You think this is all my fault? You have brought this on yourself.
Brooke: All I ever did, Stephanie, was to love Ridge.
Stephanie: And his father, and his brother, and your son-in-law. Is it any wonder Bridget is confused? I mean, is it any wonder your daughter would confuse natural feelings of respect and affection for romance? You have blurred the lines of socially-acceptable behaviour. And you stand here and you tell me you're proud. What are you proud of? Having your son-in-law's baby? I know what you're proud of. Chasing after a man whose wife's body is barely cold in the ground.

Brooke Logan Forrester is nobody's fool, nobody's.
