Rick assures Steffy and his mom that the tribute DVD was not a stunt. Rick offers to talk with Ridge but Brooke claims he won't listen. ...

Jackie is thrilled to find a romantic beach cabana Owen arranged under the sky for their honeymoon. Nick gets his hands on Owen and Jack...

"September 8, 2009"

Ridge promises Brooke he will be back. Brooke is not pleased to find Stephanie at her bedroom door. She boasts that she has made good on her promise and ha...

Katie finds the photo of Nick and Bridget. Later, Katie announces to her mother that she is leaving Nick. After Brooke fails to convinc...

"February 23, 2009"

Rick pulls Ridge to safety and says he would never let him die. Stephanie urges Taylor to stay strong and support Ridge. Stephanie is s...

"October 28, 2009"

Katie offers to keep Thorne on as VP but he states he's not interested. She accepts his decision to stay on helping deal with the new changes. Donna agrees...

"September 10, 2009"

Jackie worries to Whip about her past. Deacon is boasting to Steffy about how innocent his wife is. Whip encourages her not to tell Owen, but Nick arrives ...

David finds Katie working on a vodka at the bar. He introduces himself as "dollar Bill. " She proceeds to tell him about her latest fail...

"January 14, 2009"

Robin McGraw, longtime friend, author and wife of TV's Dr. Phil, encourages Jackie to feel good about herself and put herself first. St...

"February 9, 2009"

Pointing out that she's always gone with her heart tells, Rick lashes out at Brooke for telling him he can't be with Steffy. He guesses ...

The Bold and the Beautiful Quotes

Stephanie: You think this is all my fault? You have brought this on yourself.
Brooke: All I ever did, Stephanie, was to love Ridge.
Stephanie: And his father, and his brother, and your son-in-law. Is it any wonder Bridget is confused? I mean, is it any wonder your daughter would confuse natural feelings of respect and affection for romance? You have blurred the lines of socially-acceptable behaviour. And you stand here and you tell me you're proud. What are you proud of? Having your son-in-law's baby? I know what you're proud of. Chasing after a man whose wife's body is barely cold in the ground.

Brooke Logan Forrester is nobody's fool, nobody's.
