
After LutherCorp experiments with meteor rocks, it leaves Earl Jenkins (Tony Todd) poisoned with seizures.


Jodi Melville (Amy Adams) becomes obsessed with weight and starts eaitng a diet of meteor rock-infected vegetables. Soon Jodi must feed on the fat of others.


An elderly woman at a nursing home develops precognitive abilities and sees Clark and Lex's future; An old man uses a green meteor rock to reverse the aging process.


During a party at Crater Lake, Sean Kelvin (Michael Coristine) falls into the frozen lake and emerges with a bottomless thirst for heat.


Lex Luthor robs a local bank and throws Clark through a window, helping him develop his X-Ray powers.


A meteor gives Coach Arnold (Dan Lauria) pyrokinesis and Chloe reveals a scandal where he's helping football players cheat.


Greg Arkin (Chad Donella) gets stung by meteor-enhanced insects and becomes half-man, half-insect. Greg kidnaps Lana to mate with her, and Clark goes to rescue her.


A meteor shower hits Smallville and leaves behind a small child that is adopted by Martha and Jonathan Kent.

Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
