
Clark runs for president during class election against Sasha Woodman (Shonda Farr), a girl who can control bees. Meanwhile, a journalist comes to run a story on Lex.


Tyler Randall (Reynaldo Rosales) dies with a piece of meteor in his wrist, and when it's removed by the coroner, he is re-animated with the ability take the lives of anything he touches.


Ryan James (Ryan Kelley), a young mindreader is made to rob stores by his step parents. Ryan escapes and lives with the Kents until his stepfather finds him.


Dr. Hamilton (Joe Morton) uses the meteor rock to resurrect the extinct, "Nicodemus," a flower that causes people to lose their inhibitions.


A man from Lex's past, Jude Royce (Corin Nemec), previously thought dead, resurfaces and kidnaps Lex. Meanwhile, Chloe looks into Clark's adoption.


Three ex-jocks use meteor rock tattoos to give themselves the ability to pass through walls. The thieves begins robbing banks and recruit Whitney to help.


During a field trip, lightning strikes Clark and a classmate, Eric Summers (Shawn Ashmore) and transfers his powers to Eric.

A salesman, Bob Rickamn (Rick Peters) has the ability to bend others towards his will and uses his powers to convince Jonathan to sell his farm.


Amy Palmer (Azura Skye) becomes Lex's invisible stalker and she becomes blamed after Victoria is forced out of the house by an invisible assailant.


A corrupt Metropolis cop, Sam Phelan (Cameron Dye) witnesses Clark using his powers and blackmails him.

Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
