Quantum Leap News

Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 7 Review: A Kind Of Magic

Quantum Leap Review: Alchemy

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 7, Ben leaps farther back than he's ever been. Can he save a woman from the flames in a 17th-century town bent on witch-burning? Our review!
Posted in: Reviews
Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Secret History

Quantum Leap Review: To Al

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 6, a secret Einstein formula, murderous Nazis, and the return of Hannah Carson make Ben's leap the most exciting one yet! Our review!
Posted in: Reviews
Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 5 Review: One Night In Koreatown

Quantum Leap Review: No Objective Truth

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 5, Ben's leap into the 1992 LA riots sparks past trauma in his new hologuide. We review how the Koreatown crucible reveals many truths.
Posted in: Reviews
Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 4 Review: The Lonely Hearts Club

Quantum Leap Review: Finding a New Dream

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 4, hard decisions & startling revelations run rampant at HQ & on the leap. We review what Ben's decision means for the future of the team.
Posted in: Reviews

Quantum Leap Details

Number of Episodes
Start Date
Raymond Lee, Caitlin Bassett, Mason Alexander Park, Nanrisa Lee, Ernie Hudson

Quantum Leap Quotes

Look, I’m not trying to tell you how to do your job. I’m just merely offering a counterpoint from someone who has impeccable taste in music.


Addison: Have you been hiding?
Ben: Hiding? No, I was just in a different section of the apartment.
Addison: You mean the bathroom where you were hiding from the party you didn’t want to have?
Ben: I love parties. Having everyone in here, touching all our stuff. I would’ve proposed way sooner if I knew we got to do this.