Quantum Leap News

Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 6 Review: What A Disaster!

Quantum Leap Review: Shake It Up!

On Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 6, Ben's leap into the midst of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake triggers memories of his mother. We review the Leaper X implications!
Posted in: Reviews
Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 5 Review: Salvation Or Bust

Quantum Leap Review: Shock and Awe!

On Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 5, Ben seeks a non-violent way to save a frontier town while the team contends with a nosy Congresswoman. We review those TWO huge reveals!
Posted in: Reviews

Quantum Leap Quotes

Look, I’m not trying to tell you how to do your job. I’m just merely offering a counterpoint from someone who has impeccable taste in music.


Addison: Have you been hiding?
Ben: Hiding? No, I was just in a different section of the apartment.
Addison: You mean the bathroom where you were hiding from the party you didn’t want to have?
Ben: I love parties. Having everyone in here, touching all our stuff. I would’ve proposed way sooner if I knew we got to do this.