What they did to John Dutton hasn't been done since they did it to us. We need to know who's trying to take his land because they're coming after ours next.


Lloyd, the boss is coming home today, and I want people around.


You know, it's faster to just fuck me than arguing about fuckin' me and still fuckin' me.


Kid: What happened to your face?
Beth: What happened to yours, you insensitive little fuck.

Kid: You a therapist?
Beth: I am the rock therapists break themselves against.

Lloyd: Ya alright to drink, boss?
John: Lloyd, I've come to the conclusion that the only thing on this earth that can kill me is me.

Jamie: Think hard about what you're saying, Beth. You're threatening a state official!
Beth: I am threatening the whole fucking state.

I used to love guys like you in high school. You give me a troubled loser with blue eyes, and I'd dry hump a hole in his jeans.


Beth: It was you, wasn't it?
Jamie: It was me what?

Beth: The cabin's gone, daddy. They decided to kill that too.
John: What else, what else did they kill?
Beth: You're home. I'd like to end this day on a victory. We'll talk defeat tomorrow.

Yellowstone Season 4 Quotes

Kid: What happened to your face?
Beth: What happened to yours, you insensitive little fuck.

Rip: Your dad's been shot.
Kasey: Where?!
Rip: Every-fuckin-where, Kasey.