Walker: So you wanna be a cowboy, huh?
Carter: Life kinda robbed me of my options.
Walker: That's how it usually starts.

John: Who's this?
Rip: That there is the new stall cleaner.
John: Looks a little young to be goin' on the payroll.
Rip: Oh, he's not goin' on the payroll. He's like me, sir.

Beth: The kid sure liked it.
Rip: What kid, Beth?
Beth: I think he might be our kid, baby.

Look, it's a horrible thing to say, but the best thing for this world is if he goes to sleep tonight and doesn't wake up in the morning.

Sheriff Haskell

You co-own the land, Bob. Ya gotta read the fine print, Bob. I'm the bigger bear.


Explosions and ambushes in broad daylight. Educate me exactly on what the fuck I'm stepping into.


I am never early and I am never late. I am the constant your time adjusts to.


It's time for you to create your own, shadow, son, and stop standin' in someone else's.


John: You're a good man, Kayce. Sometimes, good men have to do real bad things. It doesn't change who you are.
Kayce: I just want to be really clear about what you're askin'.
John: I ain't askin' anything. I'm tellin' ya we're gonna kill 'em. We're gonna kill every goddamned one of 'em.

Rip: This makes ya happy, don't it?
Beth: It does.
Rip: Ya wanna know why? Cause he's got a mean streak like a fuckin' badger.

Rip: Your dad's been shot.
Kasey: Where?!
Rip: Every-fuckin-where, Kasey.

John: What happened to him?
Beth: It's on a list of things we need to discuss.
John: A list of things?
Beth: A long list, daddy.

Yellowstone Season 4 Quotes

Kid: What happened to your face?
Beth: What happened to yours, you insensitive little fuck.

Rip: Your dad's been shot.
Kasey: Where?!
Rip: Every-fuckin-where, Kasey.