Lucas: I had quite the job getting Jack to bed last night.
Elizabeth: Oh.
Lucas: He, um, he wouldn’t take off his Mountie hat.
Elizabeth: Lucas, I’m sorry.
Lucas: No. No, it’s fine. Jack’s his father. He’s a big part of your life. He always will be.
Elizabeth: I realize I’ve avoided talking about him with you.
Lucas: You don’t have to explain.
Elizabeth: You know what I’ve learned about love? It can’t be measured or contained or used up. The more you love, the more you can love. And once you truly love someone, you love them forever.
Lucas: That’s how I love you.

Rosemary: We’d waited so long for this moment. We’d almost given up hope.
Lee: Yeah. She’s our little miracle.
Rosemary: Why does the world look so different all of a sudden?
Lee: Because it is.
Elizabeth: Because she’s in it.

Elizabeth: Hi you two. You three.
Lee: Elizabeth, come meet your goddaughter.

You know, I have, um, I have felt a lot of things in my time with Rosemary. I really have. Love, um, joy, heartbreak, excitement, even a little confusion and impatience, but I have never, I have never felt this hopeless.


When you witness childbirth, you realize how strong women really are.


Jamie: I bet you like living here.
Henry: I like it well enough. I mean, I’m not going to be here much longer.
Jamie: Where are you going?
Henry: Prison.
Jamie: Oh. Well, I hope you don’t have to be there too long.
Henry: That’s a nice thing to say.

Rosemary: You knew I was nervous. You knew I had my doubts, and you wanted to help me through them.
Elizabeth: A big part of motherhood is supporting other mothers.
Rosemary: Yeah, I see that. I also see that I not only have a best friend who is like a sister to me, but I have a whole family.

Elizabeth: For a mother who is a natural-born performer, think of motherhood as your greatest role.
Florence: And we will all be watching and applauding.
Molly: That little baby is so lucky.
Minnie: You’re going to be the most wonderful mother.

Faith: Did you let the bandit get away again?
Nathan: Not the bandit, a squirrel. Scout found a squirrel.

Elizabeth: So, Rosemary still thinks that the shower is next week.
Molly: Very impressive, Elizabeth, that your acting can fool even Rosemary.

You know, Lee always says, if you work with friends, you can sort it out as friends. Who can put a price on that? Well, Lee can. And he will save you money. [laughs] Oh, the baby just kicked!


I can see the headline now. Hope Springs eternal. Locals flock to the healing waters of Hope Valley.


When Calls the Heart Season 10 Quotes

Rosemary: See? I told you we could save money! Those cherries in the cherry cobbler aren't cherries at all.
Lee: Dare I ask?
Rosemary: They're prunes!
Lee: Prunes?
Rosemary: Soaked in beet juice. Half the price of cherries. Such a clever little recipe. I got a cookbook a the swap meet.
Lee: Prunes soaked in beet juice. Very resourceful, sweetheart.

Allie: Oh my gosh. Did we get a dog?
Nathan: No! And don't get attached. He's got more attitude than you do.
Allie: [petting Scout]: Oh, riiight. So much attitude.