Faith: When I did my residency on the maternity ward, I came to realize that one of the hardest roles to play is a motherless mother.
Rosemary: I never heard that term before. I’ve never had this much love inside me, but I’ve never felt this afraid.

Faith: Grief is unusual. It doesn’t know the time.
Rosemary: Grief?
Faith: Rosemary, I think you might be grieving the loss of your mother.
Rosemary: I miss her.

Joseph: It sure is nice up here. It’s been a while since I’ve been out of time.
Nathan: Well, you have about 17 jobs, don’t ya?

Lucas: I was wondering how you feel about castle living.
Elizabeth: Aw. I think anyone would be lucky to live in a purple castle.
Lucas: Then perhaps I will gift you one as a wedding present.
Elizabeth: That sounds like you. [pause] What are you up to?
Lucas: I want to give you the world. I would get you the moon right now if I could.
Elizabeth: I’m not sure I’d keep it.
Lucas: Then, maybe I’ll start a little smaller. A house on a hill with the most beautiful view. A castle of ryou and Jack.
Elizabeth: Lucas, uh-
Lucas: You don’t need to give me an answer right now. It’s something to think about.
Elizabeth: Of course. One question. Would it have a moat?
Lucas: Of course, it would have a moat. Absolutely. With a drawbridge and everything.

Bill: I have some news. I have found some land for you. A man named Paul Harper is looking to offload some acreage. Now, it doesn’t have a stream, but it has great mountain views.
Madeline: Oh, without a stream, it won’t work for me.
Bill: Well, for someone who’s looking to move quick, you’re awfully picky.
Madeline: I know. My late husband used to take Jamie fly fishing. I wanted to bring back some good memories.
Bill: Stream and fly fishing, huh? Oh. I’m sure something will turn up.
Madeline: Sadly, time doesn’t appear to be on my side. Bill, I appreciate everything you have done. Really, I do.

Lucas: So, now we’re going out, and they’re babysitting.
Elizabeth: That’s what Rosemary said.
Lucas: Well, I guess I can’t complain.

Elizabeth: I don’t want to live in a castle.
Lucas: Pardon me?
Elizabeth: I don’t want a house on a hill. Being here is where I feel happy.
Lucas: Are you sure? It would be brand new with the latest of everything.
Elizabeth: Lucas, it would never feel like home. This place, I, I have so many memories here. I have a community here. I have Rosemary and Lee next door. Having my best friend over while our babies sleep upstairs? There’s just no house on a hill that could make up for that. This is what’s important to me, and I hope to you, too.
Lucas: I did it again, didn’t I?
Elizabeth: You’re a dreamer. You have these grand ideas, and I, and I would never want to deny you of them. But this is my home. Our home.
Lucas: I understand. I do. However, even if you don’t want to live in a castle, it doesn’t mean I won’t stop treating you like a queen. Goodnight, m’lady.

Lee: I thought you said it was going to be tea.
Lucas: There will be tea — after dinner.

Elizabeth: Jack, I have a surprise for you. It’s something very special.
Jack: A surprise?!
Elizabeth: Um hm.
Jack: A Mountie hat. Wow!
Elizabeth: This is your daddy’s Mountie hat.
Jack: Can I wear it if I’m very, very careful?
Elizabeth: Of course you can. You can wear it any time you like. [places the hat on his head]
Jack: How do I look?
Elizabeth: You look… you look just like your daddy.

Nathan: You know, in my experience, a thief is good at two things, stealing a lying, and this one only seems good at the latter.
Thief: I’m pretty bad at both, and you’re right. If I’d known you two were from around here, I wouldn’t have shown my face.
Nathan: Yeah, you would have just robbed another mercantile.
Faith: People make mistakes, and we can give them a second chance. Sometimes they’ll surprise you.

Well, a little word of advice, Jamie. If you want the other kids to like you, you’ve got to show that you like them.


Jack: Mummy?
Elizabeth: Yes, honey bear?
Jack: If Uncle Lee’s going to a daddy, when can I see my daddy?
Elizabeth: Oh, sweetheart, don’t you remember what we talked about? Your daddy is in heaven.
Jack: But where’s heaven?
Elizabeth: Well, heaven is up above us, and I know that may seem far away, but your daddy is also in our hearts. Here, and right here, and that’s where he’ll always be.

When Calls the Heart Season 10 Quotes

Rosemary: See? I told you we could save money! Those cherries in the cherry cobbler aren't cherries at all.
Lee: Dare I ask?
Rosemary: They're prunes!
Lee: Prunes?
Rosemary: Soaked in beet juice. Half the price of cherries. Such a clever little recipe. I got a cookbook a the swap meet.
Lee: Prunes soaked in beet juice. Very resourceful, sweetheart.

Allie: Oh my gosh. Did we get a dog?
Nathan: No! And don't get attached. He's got more attitude than you do.
Allie: [petting Scout]: Oh, riiight. So much attitude.