Mel: You're supposed to be spending the night at Preacher's house.
Jack: I had to see you. Mel, I'm so sorry I missed the wedding. I know how important that was to you.
Mel: Oh, okay, right. So that's what your sorry about. I thought something happened to you.
Jack: No, I'm fine.
Mel: Oh, yeah, well, clearly that's not the case.

Brie: I know going to a wedding and helping me look for Jack wasn't exactly fun.
Brady: It was fine. And at least he's okay, you know?
Brie: I just don't understand. He's always been so responsible.
Brady: That's the problem. He acts like he's untouchable, but the stuff he's seen, it's dark. It doesn't magically disappear because you pretend you have it all figured out.
Brie: How did you handle it when you got back.
Brady: Not well, I got into fights, went to jail. I didn't do it the right way, but I did let go of a lot of stuff.
Brie: I know Jack is hurting, I just don't know how to help him.
Brady: Just be there.

Brie: Brady, this isn't some vacation fling. I'm in love with you.
Brady: Right now that's true. and that's enough for me.

I want you to know that I think of you as family, so I'm going to be straight with you. Work out your issues. Find out what's going on up here.


Julia: I have feelings for you, and I think you have feelings for me too.
Preacher: I do. And you're smile it knocks me out every single time.
Julia: So for right now that is all I need to know.

Barry: The best thing you can do is take whatever's broken apart and put it back together piece by piece, that way you can find the source of the problem.
Jack: OK, and how long does that take?
Barry: If you do it right, there is no timeline.

Mel: Jack, trauma is not a switch that you can turn on and off by yourself.
Jack: I know. I get it.
Mel: You get it? Then why do we keep having this conversation?

Hope: You're not real.
Lilly: That's up to you.
Hope: None of this is up to me. If it were, you'd be alive and I wouldn't be in that stupid accident. I wouldn't be sitting here missing you so much my brain is playing tricks on me.
Lilly: Because you're hurting.
Hope: I never even got to say goodbye. I miss you so much, my heart hearts. Now that you're going there's a huge hole in my life. How can I ever fill it? Lilly; Look to those who love you most.

Mel: I don't know how he'll get out of this destructive cycle if he won't get help.
Doc: It's the fear. The fear of reliving the pain that trumps reason.

Cameron: Listen, I know this is none of my business, but it's obvious how much she loves you.
Jack: Yeah, you're right, it is none of your business.
Cameron: I'm just trying to help. Mel's a great woman and ...
Jack: Look, man, I don't know what you hope to get out of this situation. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Cameron: I'm not hoping to get anything. I'm simply observing.
Jack: Do me a favor, keep your observations to yourself.

Jack, you're gonna have to land us!


Mel: I think it's better to know the truth than live in denial.
Jack: Not always.

Virgin River Season 4 Quotes

Mel: I'm pregnant.
Joey: You're pregnant?
Mel: Yeah, I'm pregnant, and I don't know who the father is.

Hope: Is Lily mad at me?
Doc: Why would you ask that?
Hope: Because she hasn't come over. I called her twice, and she hasn't called me back.