A, I don't give out people's personal information, and B, I'm not into guys, so whatever this is, it's not going to work on me.


I called Vince. Sally gave me a number where I could reach him.He has agreed to an exchange. He will give up Christopher if I go with him.


Jack: I haven't said his name in over 20 years.
Mel: Why didn't your family ever talk about him?
Jack: My family were gutted, they just wanted to forget and Brie was too young to remember.

Jack: I'm going to love our baby no matter what.
Mel: Are you sure?
Jack: Yeah, it's going to be half you no matter what. how could I not?

Muriel: I know what loneliness feels like. It's not the being alone that hurts, it's feeling like no one cares. And I'm here to tell you that I care.
Hope: I care too.

Brie: I can't say it out loud.
Brady: I understand, when I first got back from Iraq, there were some nights where I was in my head and it was bad. I couldn't talk about it so I started writing stuff down.
Brie: Did it work?
Brady: Yeah. You can have someone read it, you can throw it away. Whatever you decide. And you still get the poison out.
Brie: Will you stay with me tonight?
Brady: I'm not going anywhere.

Charmaine: You're going to be a great dad, you know that?
Jack: That's nice of you to say.
Charmaine: Well, I can be nice.

Mel: Just because you're in pain it does not give you the right to try to take something that is not yours. Cassandra: Mark's heir is my flesh and blood, I believe that child should be raised at least half the time by me.

Jack: What I still don't understand is how you as the surviving parent wouldn't have full custody of the embryos. Mel: No, I do, but that doesn't mean she can't file a lawsuit.

Mel: Jack, you're hurting.
Jack: I'm not really... I'm wallowing; that's what I'm doing. I need to move, so I don't think talking about it is going to help.
Mel: That's not helping.
Jack: This. You think I have a problem. It just takes the edge off, that's all.
Mel: Jack, I'm not judging you, okay. I love you. I just don't want to see you in pain.
Jack: I love you too. Tomorrow is going to be better. I promise.

Jack, if you don't want to talk to me about whatever it is, I think you should talk to a therapist, you know, somebody who has experience.


Mel: I think it's better to know the truth than live in denial.
Jack: Not always.

Virgin River Season 4 Quotes

Mel: I'm pregnant.
Joey: You're pregnant?
Mel: Yeah, I'm pregnant, and I don't know who the father is.

Hope: Is Lily mad at me?
Doc: Why would you ask that?
Hope: Because she hasn't come over. I called her twice, and she hasn't called me back.