There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who look before they leap and those who plunge in, arms wide open, as if they don't have a care in the world.


Beth: This place is beautiful.
Hai: It's actually yours.
Randall: Excuse me?
Hai: This place, this land, was your mother's. And now it's yours.

We were here for what, five or six days? Could have walked right past him and never even known him.


Kevin. I am deeply aware you come from a family of deep speech givers. I think you should use this time apart to be real with yourself.


Kate Pearson. I knew you couldn't stay away.


Beth: Did you really just peck and go? Randall, this is not a peck-and-go situation. We need to talk about this.
Randall: I was wondering for 36 years. I got my answers. I'm not going down this road.

Kevin: So you're okay with extensive travel? Cause we're going to be traveling a lot and we want someone to be there so we can have consistency with the twins.
Madison: We'll be traveling occasionally, but for the most part she'll be here.

Let's do the math. Four weeks... that'll bring you home five weeks before the babies are due. You have worked so hard and have put up with so much crap from that director. I don't want it to all be for nothing.


Kate: He was so cruel.
Toby: I want you to tell me his name.
Kate: Do you?
Toby: Yeah. I want you to tell me his name and then I want to find him and I want to kill him.
Kate: That's very sweet, but this is all in the past. He's in the past.
Toby: Is it? Cause if it was really in the past, then why did it take you four years to tell me about it?

Toby: So you're telling me that this boyfriend of yours...
Kate: Got me pregnant. Yeah. And I was nowhere near ready to be a mom. And I couldn't be tied to that guy forever. So I had an abortion. And it was the toughest decision I'd ever made in my life. And I don't regret it. But I made it alone and I did it alone.

Malik: You know what I had to go through to be at your house only 6 minutes late? I got up at 4:30. I usually get up at 5, prepare Janelle's meals, and do the laundry to be ready by 6. But today I had to pack a lunch and iron my shirt. So it was 4:30. City Hall isn't boring, not at all. But I have a daughter. And her needs come first even if it means I can't do things I want to do.
Randall: My father died when I was 17. And I thought I had to make my dreams smaller to take care of my family. So trust me when I say, don't make your dreams smaller. Make them bigger. Not in spite of your daughter. For her.

Ellie: One time. I went out one time. A few months before Doug died. I decided I couldn't have this baby and I was going to have an abortion. I got as far as the parking lot in the clinic. And I know people have really strong feelings about that.
Kate: I am not judging you.
Ellie: It wasn't the right choice for me. So am I having second thoughts? Yeah, about my whole life. Except for one thing. You and Toby. I'm 100% sure about that.

This Is Us Season 5 Quotes

Kevin: Kate, what are you feeling?
Kate: I am feeling... like... we need a massive air hug right now!

Kevin: Twins? Wow. What now?
Madison: I don't know. This all seems to be happening just as the world is falling apart.