Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?


Kevin: What if I suck tomorrow?
Jack: You're not gonna suck tomorrow.
Kevin: What if I do? Then I'll have nothing.
Jack: That is not true.
Kevin: Yes it is. Randall's a genius and all I have is football.

Rebecca: Hi, sweetheart. You're having a little unexpected adventure, huh?
Kevin: Yeah, this isn't how I planned it.
Rebecca: It never is.

Jack: Hey Dad, maybe we should wait around a bit til we go home.
Jack's father: Why? You think I can't drive?

Kevin: I told them to go easy on the chocolate covered strawberries. I wasn't sure what the best gift was for when the birth mother of your twin sister's babies is about to be induced.
Kate: It's actually a Tesla.
Kevin: They were all out of chocolate-covered Teslas.

Hey, they say there's gonna be two QBs from Penn State there. You do good this weekend, chances are you're gonna be the next Terry Bradshaw.


Beth: You seem different. Lighter.
Randall: I know my birth story, Beth. And it's not just being left at the fire station. It's two people. Two imperfect people who both loved me.

Beth: How are you holding up?
Randall: We own a farmhouse by a lake where my dead biological mother grew up and fell in love with her Vietnamese boyfriend. That's how I'm holding up.

Laurel: I was no good as a daughter and no good as a mother. My son is going to grow up thinking I didn't love him. Why couldn't I be good for him?
Mae: You can't keep doing this to yourself. If you don't let the guilt go, it will strangle you.

Randall: How did you know my mother, exactly?
Hai: If I'm being honest, your mother was the love of my life.

Laurel: Jackson is gone. What am I gonna do without him?
Aunt Mae: God can take your pain, my sweet Laurel, but you gotta let it go.

I don't understand how Daddy can hate his own sister. I could never hate you, Jackson. Besides Aunt Mae, you're the only one who understands me.


This Is Us Season 5 Quotes

Kevin: Kate, what are you feeling?
Kate: I am feeling... like... we need a massive air hug right now!

Kevin: Twins? Wow. What now?
Madison: I don't know. This all seems to be happening just as the world is falling apart.