I can hear you grinding your teeth. Please don’t make me drown you. It would upset the other patrons no end.


Jaskier: Why did you save me from the Temerians?
Seanchai: I need you to sing a story back to life. We’re related, you and I. You’re a bard. I’m a storyteller. Of a sort.
Jaskier: I beg to differ. You… you are a time-stopping, shape-shifting, probably-gonna-eat-me-without-salt-at-some-point sort of storyteller. I’m just a man with an admittedly… fun hat.

We are the Black Rose / Let no one doubt our cause / Rise up and let them feel our thorns / And freedom will be ours / We are the Black-Thorned Rose / Singin’ songs for the unsung / Rise up and let them hear our roar / The lowborns’ day has come / The flowers shall grow / Where our peasant blood flows / Our lives they have taken / Are the seeds they have sown / Rise up from the soil we till / Rise up from the soil that they own / We are the Black Rose / Let no one doubt our cause / Rise up and let them feel our thorns / So freedom may be ours / We are the Black-Thorned Rose / Singin’ songs for the unsung / Rise up and let them hear our roar / The lowborns’ day has come / For each rose they cut down / Another will grow / Till the land is covered / With petals like snow / No lights in your castles / No light in your gold / Our fight is undying / Our truth will be told / We are the Black Rose / Let no one doubt our cause / Rise up and let them feel our thorns / And freedom will be ours / We are the Black-Thorned Rose / Singin’ songs for the unsung / Rise up and let them hear our roar / The lowborns’ day has come / We are the Black-Thorned Rose / Let our voice be our blade as one / Rise up and let them feel our thorns / The lowborns’ day has come

The Lark

Born of Black Sands. Blade and soul as one. All beginnings. All ends.


Old stories are bound to repeat. They just need the right person to tell them.


Balor: What of Fjall Stoneheart?
Eredin: He escaped our assassins on Inis Dubh. Along with the Raven Clan warrior. But we have elite troops scouring the Continent as we speak.
Balor: That’s a heroic folktale waiting to happen. End them. Now.

Those that make excuses don’t make history.


Eredin: She plays her part well.
Balor: A shiny thing to appease the masses.
Eredin: They all fall so eagerly into place, despite their world turning on its head.
Balor: Faced with chaos, the people will always choose order. No matter the cost.
Eredin: Or how blatant the farce.

The time of the spheres is upon us. Worlds will eat worlds. Emerald skies. Fire will summon a new dawn. A great beast born will be slain by your blade. Two apart shall become two as one. The Lark’s most precious notes shall be the key to all things. And a quest in the name of your clan will bring you redemption.


The Lark: I need to get to Xin’trea, warn my clan.
Fjall: So do I.
The Lark: Fuck your clan.
Fjall: Look, there are bound to be more of these stabby fuckers on the way. We’ll have more of a chance if we stick together. Despite you being a pain in me hole.

If we keep warring as we are, famine and the stench of defeat will be our only legacy.


Jaskier: What are you?
Not Jaskier: I am many things. Many faces. Many places.
Jaskier: Then why do you look like me?
Not Jaskier: Because you love yourself. I have other faces. If you prefer.

The Witcher: Blood Origin Quotes

Jaskier: Why did you save me from the Temerians?
Seanchai: I need you to sing a story back to life. We’re related, you and I. You’re a bard. I’m a storyteller. Of a sort.
Jaskier: I beg to differ. You… you are a time-stopping, shape-shifting, probably-gonna-eat-me-without-salt-at-some-point sort of storyteller. I’m just a man with an admittedly… fun hat.

Jaskier: What are you?
Not Jaskier: I am many things. Many faces. Many places.
Jaskier: Then why do you look like me?
Not Jaskier: Because you love yourself. I have other faces. If you prefer.