I thought sharing my music could fix what I did. But it will never be enough. Sacrificing myself is the only way.


You know I’m probably dying tomorrow, right? So where’s my fucking wake, you sad bunch of whoresons?


Every time I think I’ve suffered the last fool, another lands in front of me.


One day, you fall into a mage’s mists, and she sees all that you have done, all the evil that you’ve torn into the world. And somehow, somehow, she sees good in you. And she starts to heal your soul with a gentleness that you don’t deserve.

Brother Death

I don’t have any gifts. Other than killing and disgracing myself constantly.


Your world is built on our bones. Know why I call those monoliths cock towers? Because our ancients buried them to bring fertile bounty to the land. They’re sacred. And, yet again, elves defile them. No wonder famine’s rife.


Brother Death: Why would you want to help a gang of elves?
Meldof: Between yourself and myself and the skies above… because I’m empty? I’ve hunted down and killed the last of the ones who defiled Gwen. There’s nothing left for me now. One last quest to take me to her. End my breaths in a glorious fashion.

Fjall: I’d die for you, Éile.
Éile: You already did.

I had this dimeritium cell built to hold recalcitrant mages. To suppress their magic. Make them feel like they were naked and powerless. And now here I sit. Naked without my power. By the grace of a recalcitrant empress.


Merwyn: Why do we find ourselves so far apart?
Balor: It’s a matter of respect.
Merwyn: Respect? Balor, you see me as a princess to be kept on a leash until the time comes to trade me, use me, or get rid of me.
Balor: And you see me as a lowborn raised far above his station.
Merwyn: This is how you see yourself. I see you as a singular genius capable of so much more than the box my father put you in. I only ask that you see me the same.

Uthrok: That was a work of art. Look at them all. Like little bloodied hedgehogs.
Scían: Never doubt my plan again, Uthrok.
Brother Death: Do you know him?
Syndril: They’re on our side.
Zacaré: Did we just win?

Scían: Éile of Raven Clan, meet Uthrok One Nut
Uthrok: It’s just a nickname. They’re huge. Like two enormous, swollen pomegranates. Go on, ask her.

The Witcher: Blood Origin Quotes

Jaskier: Why did you save me from the Temerians?
Seanchai: I need you to sing a story back to life. We’re related, you and I. You’re a bard. I’m a storyteller. Of a sort.
Jaskier: I beg to differ. You… you are a time-stopping, shape-shifting, probably-gonna-eat-me-without-salt-at-some-point sort of storyteller. I’m just a man with an admittedly… fun hat.

Jaskier: What are you?
Not Jaskier: I am many things. Many faces. Many places.
Jaskier: Then why do you look like me?
Not Jaskier: Because you love yourself. I have other faces. If you prefer.