Egwene: We have to do something. IT can't be.
Sheriam: I will speak bluntly, not out of cruelty, but out of respect for you. Nynaeve is dead. She's not coming back. The loss is going to shake you perhaps most of all, but you're grief is your own. Face it, and in time you will grow stronger.

Nynaeve: So what? I just walk through one arch and out again? Three times through and its done?
Leane: If you wish to boil it down that far, yes.

Nynaeve: What are they?
Leane: Ter'angreal.
Nynaeve: What do they do?
Liandrin: Many things child. They are from before the Breaking. Made during a time when women could create objects from the One Power itself.

Lan: You and I walk this path together. Every step of it. Every choice, every sacrifice.
Moiraine: We've never walked this path together. You have never seen the forest for the trees because I have never shown it to you.

Moiraine: I knew when the time came you'd be able to survive on your own. You'll go to the tower, and I'll continue alone.
Lan: I'm not leaving you.
Moiraine: I was wrong, Lan, I was wrong about everything. The last battle's coming and we're already losing it.

Mat: You should at least knock, I might've been naked.
Liandrin: My heart flutters at the thought

We can do more than just react, we can change the course of history itself. I could make sure that countless girls I'll never even meet don't need to be saved in the first place.


Elyas: Useful, to know the difference between vision and reality. You don't get lost so easily.
Perrin: Whatever you're doing to me, I want no part of it.
Elyas: Doesn't work that way.

Moiraine: I'll have my dinner up here tonight.
Lan: Make it yourself. And you can have it wherever you want.

You asked me once why reds don't have warders. Because they are a distraction, a weakness. We can protect ourselves. Warders are nothing more than glorified dogs following at their sisters' heels.


Liandrin: To be perfectly blunt, you've proven to be quite the disappointment. You're wasting your time with swords, its beneath you.
Nynaeve: The warders have taught me more in the last five months than all of your sisters combined.

Egwene: Being a novice is a right of passage. Every single Aes Sedai has done it, even the Amyrlin. It builds character.
Nynaeve: I have enough character.

The Wheel of Time Season 2 Quotes

Liandrin: To be perfectly blunt, you've proven to be quite the disappointment. You're wasting your time with swords, its beneath you.
Nynaeve: The warders have taught me more in the last five months than all of your sisters combined.

Egwene: Being a novice is a right of passage. Every single Aes Sedai has done it, even the Amyrlin. It builds character.
Nynaeve: I have enough character.