Ryma: Liandrin Sedai? How is she a part of this?
Nynaeve: She's a darkfriend. She's the one who brought us here and turned us over to the Seanchan.
Ryma: She broke the three oaths?
Elayne: Every single one.
Ryma: But that means...Black Ajah? It cannot be! If what you say is true, then all of our sisters are in grave danger.

Your song is dying. You've betrayed your sisters. And you're sitting in the dark trying to justify yourself to a woman you just kidnapped. Was your price worth all this?


Moiraine: Lanfear was famous for two things among the Forsaken. Her casual cruelty, and her mastery of Tel'aran'rhiod.
Rand: Tel'aran...?
Moiraine: The world of dreams. She can hurt you just as easily there as here, and the moment you fall asleep, she will have you.

Verin: Do you think it might look like this if a weave of compulsion was being used?
Yassica: Compulsion? But that would break the three oaths! It would mean that someone in the tower has sworn to the dark. That Black Ajah really exists.

Ishamael (In the old tongue): People blame us for 'Breaking the World' but they didn't bother picking up the pieces. Three thousand years later, and they're still bashing about with swords and queens.
Lanfear (in the old tongue): To the past.
Ishamael (in English): To the future.

I actually believe in the Dark. I believe the only way to stop all this suffering is to stop the Wheel itself. Stop everything.


Rand: You killed her.
Moiraine: I haven't. I couldn't. Because that is Lanfear. Daughter of the Night, the most dangerous of the Forsaken.

Perrin: What are we?
Elyas: Wolfbrother they call us.
Perrin: What does that mean?
Elyas: Exactly what it sounds like.
Perrin: Are they all wolfbrothers? Am I going to change into?
Elyas: Don't be stupid.

Elayne: You don't even know what happened to her in there. Why do you feel like you have to fix it?
Egwene: Because I'm her friend. She was there for me last year when I lost... someone I love more than anything. And I only got through it because I had her to hold me up. Even though she was hurting too. And I want to be... I should be the same for her! Like I used to be. But ever since I came here to this Tower I just feel smaller and smaller.

Alanna: I don't think you're gonna kill yourself. Your bond wasn't ripped from you, she took it. So have you decided what you're going to do now?
Lan: Have i worn out my welcome?

Moiraine: I'll need a dress...
Anvaere: It's been decades Moiraine! Sit. Have some tea.
Moiraine: Perhaps Lunch, there's someone I need to meet this morning.

Elnore Jr.: What's that?
Nynaeve: The way back will come but once.

The Wheel of Time Season 2 Quotes

Liandrin: To be perfectly blunt, you've proven to be quite the disappointment. You're wasting your time with swords, its beneath you.
Nynaeve: The warders have taught me more in the last five months than all of your sisters combined.

Egwene: Being a novice is a right of passage. Every single Aes Sedai has done it, even the Amyrlin. It builds character.
Nynaeve: I have enough character.