No, Coco.

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I'm glad it was you.


This isn't the future my brother wanted. Not what my my mother and dad fought for.


Gabriel: Come on, jump forward.
Eugene: Come on.

You may not think this place is worth saving, but it's worth it to me.


What we're doing could help everyone.


What the fսck?


Vickers: Governor, come in.
Pamela: Anything yet?
Vickers: No, ma'am. Saw his sister, then reported to the wall. He just pulled additional backup to deal with the horde. Nothing unusual.
Pamela: Where did he take them from?
Vickers: Sector 7... Processing... And Tunnel H. Did you want me to recall any of those troops?
Pamela: No, I'm sure Mercer has his reasons.

Michael Mercer, you're under arrest for treason, by order of Governor Milton. Any resistance will be met with life in prison or death.


Mercer: You all right?
Princess: I'm fine. How's Eugene?
Mercer: Safe, for now. Where are you?
Princess: On a train, headed back to you.
Mercer: A train?
Princess: We're bringing people... Prisoners that Hornsby and Pamela disappeared. What are you planning to do?
Mercer: Change things, take Pamela down. Think you'd be okay with that?
Princess: Yeah.
Mercer: If you can get those prisoners back to me, they're witnesses. I'd have legal grounds to remove Pamela.
Princess: The train takes us to a depot a ways out. If we can make our way to the city, can you get us in?
Mercer: Old access tunnel under the west wall. Leads up into Union Station. Industrial building, basement entrance, guarded, but I can meet you there.

The way I see it, I've been living on borrowed time for well past a decade now. By all rights, someone like me should've met my maker on the very first day things started to fall apart. And the thing is, I would've, were it not for the aid of friends. Friends who have not only changed me, but changed the hearts and minds of so many others. I am beyond certain that my fate will not discourage them from keeping that going, from helping others to find the courage to do what's right. I was not always a good man. Some time ago, I fell in with a posse who thrived on... doing some downright unseemly acts on the reg. And I looked the other way. I placed value on order and safety above all other things. But I soon realized that, while I wasn't the one swinging the bat, I nevertheless had blood on my hands. I knew what was happening. My inaction made me culpable, and I hated myself for that. So I did something. In my own little way, I changed the world. And I learned that one person can do that. And sometimes, all it takes is one person to do that.


It was the worst day of my life. My trusted colleague, General Michael Mercer, was with me. He took me into the morgue where Sebastian was. All I wanted was to hold my son. Keep him safe. But he was gone, and there was nothing I could do. You took him from me. You killed my boy!
