Resist me all you want, Klaus, but until you bring me the cure I will bring you nothing but misery.


People who do terrible things are just terrible people.


We evil villains usually use minions to pick up our dry cleaning and that sort of thing.


Elena: I'm not stupid.
Rebekah: Let's not say things we don't mean.

Stefan: Where is she now?
Damon: Maybe eating a hot dog... vendor.

You wanted to feed? I brought you to a city-sized buffet.


Not bad, not technically good but then again Alaric didn't train you. You were probably to busy butting into other people's business.


Life sucks when you're ordinary. And what makes you exactly not like them? You're a vampire. You take that cure and become human? You're no one, nothing. Trust me, losing that cure was the best damn thing that ever happened to you.

Damon [to Rebekah]

Stefan: Jealous?
Elena: That would imply emotions. We've already established those are useless.

Impressive, you're like Sherlock Holmes with brain damage.


I don't know, maybe this a better version of me.


Caroline: Feeding on the competition, hello did you not hear what Damon told you?
Elena: I did but who cares? I'll do whatever I want.

The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Quotes

Loneliness, Stefan. That's why me and you memorialize the dead.


Impressive, you're like Sherlock Holmes with brain damage.
