Bonnie, I've failed you in so many ways as a mother, but I will not let you destroy yourself.


The clock is ticking on Stefan's life, but, by all means, give Matt a physical.


I need to borrow a book. Maxwell family tell-all. Guess it's been out of print for a while.


Caroline: What is all this?
Stefan: That's me.
Caroline: No, this is Cade. He made you do this.

Matt: Everything okay?
Alaric: No, it's bad.

Damon: I'll deal with Stefan.
Bonnie: I already did.
Damon: What do you mean?
Bonnie: He's human now.

Caroline: I feel like Mystic Falls just isn't as safe as it used to be.
Matt: Tell me about it. Is that ancient tupperware?
Caroline: [laughs] Elena, Bonnie and I made our own time capsule when we were eleven. Buried it right under this tree and I cannot believe it is still here.

Stefan: Really?
Bonnie: Oh, let go of me.
Stefan: What do you care what happens to Elena, huh? In a minute you're going to be dead, anyway.
Bonnie: And you are going to be human.

Bonnie: Meet Justin Timberlake, audition for American Idol, be on MTV's Spring Break.
Enzo: High aspirations, indeed.
Bonnie: Okay, don't mock my tweener self.

Damon: Update from the outside world.
Stefan: I don't care.
Damon: I do. I care so much it hurts, but it's a good kind of hurt because my lovely humanity is back on and I'm seeing the world through rose colored glasses.

You're right, little brother. I can forgive you for destroying our hometown because I'm not going to let it happen.


Matt: That wasn't part of the deal.
Seline: Oh, well I forgot to mention the fine print.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
