Enzo: Bit harsh, love.
Bonnie: I didn't know you were here.
Enzo: Well, when you're in this state, it's quite easy.
Bonnie: He earned it, I hate him.

Stefan: Bonnie.
Bonnie: There's nothing you can say.

Damon: Hold that thought.
Kai: Holding.

  • Permalink: Holding.
  • Added:

Bonnie: I hope you're not going to set me on fire. I know that's what you do.
Cade: That would not be a good way to start our lesson.

Did it sound like she missed me?


Bonnie: What do you need?
Damon: I'm just calling to make sure you're okay.
Bonnie: I'm not, but you left me nine voicemails this morning, so you obviously need something.

Caroline: What can I do for you Mr. Donovan?
Matt: I need your help.
Caroline: Even though I'm part of the darkness that's ruining Mystic Falls?

Damon: Have a little faith, huh?
Alaric: Why don't you save that question for someone who has never killed you.

Damon: Were you in hell?
Alaric: Yeah, you saved me. I think I'm on the waitlist for heaven, but they haven't called.

Alaric: You murdered my wife.
Kai: Fiance. It was mid-ceremony if I remember it.

Kai: Hey, where am I?
Waiter: Mystic Falls... the grill.
Kai: [Laughs] Is it too late to order food?

Damon: Just between us bad guys, has anyone ever earned their way out?
Cade: I wouldn't want to give you false hope.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
