What the? This isn't Halloween.


Thank you magical creatures of the mall! You have all taught me a Christmas message I'll never forget. The place to get drunk is at home.


You're all right stupid Flanders, you're all right.


Homer: Yeah, but doesn't the money go to schools?
Apu: You have been to our schools, what do you think?

Homer: Well good luck assembling all those toys without me!
Patty: We already did it!
Homer: Ah! The ghost of Marge future!

Lisa: Mom, where's dad?
Marge: I don't know.
Bart: Aw it's Christmas Eve man, we do not want to set a precedent for fat guys being late tonight!

Homer: What I feel is envy.
Lisa: Wow! He's right.

Bart: What's a game show?
Homer: Something you make sketches about.

I want his fame and fortune so much. Why must the lords of rock be so cruel?


Oh, what kind of erotic asphyxia?


Yep, it's all about the music and it would take a pretty unforeseen circumstance to make that change. Pretty unforeseen.


This is embarrassing to admit, but I haven't even thought about gels.
