Breakups and broken hearts, jealousy, and revenge all make for a perfect storm of heightened emotion and dangerous situations. Hell, sometimes violence can find you minding your own business at dinner.

Sgt. Grey

You signed up to put your life on the line, that means your health too. Focusing on fear isn’t going to change the outcome.

Officer Bradford

Officer Bishop: So you think less of me now?
Officer Nolan: No, the opposite. Anyone brave enough to confront their problems head-on deserves respect.

He’s a nut with a flare gun wrapped in underwear, not Jason Bourne but we just might have prevented a tragedy.

Officer Bishop

Did you just glass-half-full our suspect? Who are you and what have you done with my T.O.?

Officer Nolan

Everything we do today is going to piss someone off.

Officer Bradford

Captain Andersen: Do you know why I chose to ride with you today?
Officer Chen: No, ma’am.
Captain Andersen: Because you impress me. Don’t get me wrong, you’ve got a lot to learn but I’m proud to have you under my command.

Officer Lopez: Did the Captain ask for backup?
Officer West: No, but…
Officer Lopez: But nothing. She’s not a damsel in distress. If that were Grey would you have insisted we ride in like the cavalry?

Officer Nolan: You want to quiz me on procedure?
Sgt. Grey: Do I look like a game show host to you?

Riding with the Captain is a huge responsibility. If anything happens to her, well, I don’t even know how to finish that sentence.

Officer Bishop

Officer Nolan: Sgt. Grey, I’d be honored if you rode with Officer West today.
Sgt. Grey: That’s cute, Officer Nolan, but you know my heart belongs to you.
Officer Nolan: Lucky me.

I didn’t know that rock bottom had a basement.


The Rookie Season 1 Quotes

I love Rookie Day. It’s Christmas and the Purge in one.

Officer Bradford

Stacy: Happy Divorce Day!
John: That’s not a thing.
Stacy: It should be. When mine went through I took the boys to Disneyland.
John: I’m not really feeling the Matterhorn.
Stacy: Try and look at this as an opportunity.
John: Right now I’m just trying to remember to wear pants.