One thing I’ve learned all these years is that I’m never alone and I’m never outnumbered.

Officer Bradford

Officer Bradford: We’re here to serve and protect. We don’t get to choose who we serve or who we protect.
Officer Chen: So you’re willing to die for that guy.
Officer Bradford: I am unwilling to let fear make me do something I’ll be ashamed of in the light of day.

Jessica Russo: That took guts, Officer Nolan.
Officer Nolan: You said when push comes to shove he’d surrender.
Jessica Russo: Well, yeah but I could have been wrong.

Caleb: You don’t say much, do you?
Officer Bishop: If you kill that woman I’m going to shoot you in the face, a lot.
Caleb: Good to know.

Marcos: I gotta keep my hands free in case I’ve got to fight.
Officer Chen: I hate to break it to you but if this gets to fighting your hands aren’t going to help.

This guy bites off noses, I don’t want to get surprised by him.

Officer Nolan

Officer Bradford: Predictive analytics.
Jessica Russo: You sound skeptical.
Officer Bradford: No, Ma’am. I’ve just found that the best way to catch a criminal is to hit the streets.
Jessica Russo: That’s because you have no experience doing it any other way.

[to John Nolan] Stop trying to be like the other rookies cause you're not. Jackson is 20 years from having his first colonoscopy and Lucy has never even owned a pet let alone raised a kid. You’re a grown man, fully formed. So stop treating it like it’s a liability and treat it for what it is, a strength. Sure, you can be annoying and you talk way too damn much but you also listen to people’s troubles, to their complaints and that kind of empathy can’t be taught, it can only be earned. So if you really want to make detective the only way to do it is to be you.

Officer Bishop

Officer Nolan: Lucy, they are not going to kick you out of the program over this.
Officer Chen: I don’t know, I mean, you should have seen Sgt. Grey’s face; it was utter disappointment.
Officer Nolan: He gives me that look every day and I’m still here.

The only thing certain about this job is that it’s unpredictable.

Officer Lopez

Look on the bright side, I’m sure your Dad doesn’t hold the record for longest automotive delay.

Officer Lopez

Sgt. Grey: Your T.O.’s will be out of uniform riding with you in a strictly observational capacity.
Captain Andersen: They will not advise, assist, or help you in any way. Every decision will be yours to make.
Officer Nolan: Does this mean I finally get to choose where we eat for lunch?

The Rookie Season 1 Quotes

I love Rookie Day. It’s Christmas and the Purge in one.

Officer Bradford

Stacy: Happy Divorce Day!
John: That’s not a thing.
Stacy: It should be. When mine went through I took the boys to Disneyland.
John: I’m not really feeling the Matterhorn.
Stacy: Try and look at this as an opportunity.
John: Right now I’m just trying to remember to wear pants.