Conrad: You OK?
Mina: Just worried about him, like you are.
Conrad: You're sure it's not more than that?
Mina: I'm sure. I'm due in surgery.
Conrad: Keep you posted.

I'm not built for romance. This was sex. Nothing more.


You're my good luck charm.

Bell [To Lane]

Conrad: Hello.
Nic: They set me up.
Conrad: Who set you up? Where are you?
Nic: Atlanta detention center.

Devon: What just happen?
Conrad: He said you're amazing, and he can fire you whenever he wants.

Yvonne: Yorkie, why is there a syrup bottle up your butt?
York: You pulled up the wrong file.
Yvonne: It's okay. I have chlamydia.

Mambo: 'Sup, man.
Mystery Man: Can I help you with something?
Mambo: Yeah, my little sister Nic, wanted me to return the favor. [hands him a bag of groceries].

You are quickly becoming a lost cause to me, Dr. Okafor.


Mina: I do not need your superpower.
AJ: Then you will make a great surgeon, but you won't be the best surgeon. That's too damn bad.

See you think my behavior is a weakness, no. It's my superpower. I walk into an OR with a clear mind and steady hands.


I don't want this old lady to die because you can't keep your mouth shut.


Jessie: Nice to see you two happening again.
Nic: Nothing's happening again.
Jessie: Well, it should be.

The Resident Season 1 Quotes

Conrad: Everything you thought you knew about medicine is wrong. All the rules you followed will break. I have only one rule, it covers everything. I'm never wrong. You do whatever the hell I tell you, no questions asked.
Devon: Do you want me to speak now?
Conrad: That's a question.

Bell: I'm Chief of Surgery, and it's the end of a 30-hour shift. What did you see?
Doctor: We're all on the same side here. Maybe he had a heart attack.